Electronics Forum: electrolytic capacitor classification (Page 1 of 12)

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 17 12:52:12 EST 2008 | pms

That's what I was wondering too.... Just what the hell is going on here !!

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 17:41:09 EST 2008 | act_smt

So would you side to say that electrolytic capacitors have Flattened coined leads & should follow specs under that classification?

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 02:18:04 EST 2008 | act_smt

What is the spec or true classification for the leads for an Electrolytic capacitor? Is it a : 1)Flattened coined lead??? or 2)Flat Lug Lead??? There is some confusion as to how we should be inspecting & accepting the toe overhang on these per IP

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 15 08:07:09 EST 2008 | davef

A tenative yes. The hesitance comes because it seems that you're setting us up for something. So, howbout you tell us just what's going on?

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 19 02:30:30 EST 2008 | lococost

... or try the IPC technet http://listserv.ipc.org/scripts/wa.exe?A0=TechNet

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 02 02:47:54 EST 2008 | act_smt

Thanks for the resources. I plan on contacting them to get some answers. I hope this all works out for us & can help others someday should they come accross similar issues too. Thanks again.

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 07:56:49 EST 2008 | davef

Section 9 of J-STD-001 gives you what you need. Further: * Flattened [coined] lead: http://workmanship.nasa.gov/lib/insp/2%20books/links/sections/files/711.pdf * Flat lug lead: Look for the Package Designator �LT� on page 7 of http://www.allegromicr

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 20:03:19 EST 2008 | davef

Here are people at IPC that can direct you to the people you need to talk to about the issues that you have with the standards: * Jack Crawford, IOM, IPC Director Certification and Assembly Technology, crawja@ipc.org 847-597-2893, 847-615-5693 * Dav

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 02 07:56:40 EST 2008 | realchunks

Wow, rocket science with Nasa specs! I like it. I don't see the trick question here, so I'll continue.... IPC simply states over hang of round or flattened (coined) leads is acceptable (class 1, 2, & 3) if it "does not violate minimum electrical c

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 19:24:07 EST 2008 | act_smt

I'm just wanting something solid to show my workplace. I am under the belief that it is a flattened coined lead. But like how i've been trained in IPC, I have to be able to prove that it is true... or that IPC says it is false. We have a customer tha

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