Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 17 12:52:12 EST 2008 | pms
That's what I was wondering too.... Just what the hell is going on here !!
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 17:41:09 EST 2008 | act_smt
So would you side to say that electrolytic capacitors have Flattened coined leads & should follow specs under that classification?
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 02:18:04 EST 2008 | act_smt
What is the spec or true classification for the leads for an Electrolytic capacitor? Is it a : 1)Flattened coined lead??? or 2)Flat Lug Lead??? There is some confusion as to how we should be inspecting & accepting the toe overhang on these per IP
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 15 08:07:09 EST 2008 | davef
A tenative yes. The hesitance comes because it seems that you're setting us up for something. So, howbout you tell us just what's going on?
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 19 02:30:30 EST 2008 | lococost
... or try the IPC technet http://listserv.ipc.org/scripts/wa.exe?A0=TechNet
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 02 02:47:54 EST 2008 | act_smt
Thanks for the resources. I plan on contacting them to get some answers. I hope this all works out for us & can help others someday should they come accross similar issues too. Thanks again.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 07:56:49 EST 2008 | davef
Section 9 of J-STD-001 gives you what you need. Further: * Flattened [coined] lead: http://workmanship.nasa.gov/lib/insp/2%20books/links/sections/files/711.pdf * Flat lug lead: Look for the Package Designator �LT� on page 7 of http://www.allegromicr
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 20:03:19 EST 2008 | davef
Here are people at IPC that can direct you to the people you need to talk to about the issues that you have with the standards: * Jack Crawford, IOM, IPC Director Certification and Assembly Technology, crawja@ipc.org 847-597-2893, 847-615-5693 * Dav
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 02 07:56:40 EST 2008 | realchunks
Wow, rocket science with Nasa specs! I like it. I don't see the trick question here, so I'll continue.... IPC simply states over hang of round or flattened (coined) leads is acceptable (class 1, 2, & 3) if it "does not violate minimum electrical c
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 19:24:07 EST 2008 | act_smt
I'm just wanting something solid to show my workplace. I am under the belief that it is a flattened coined lead. But like how i've been trained in IPC, I have to be able to prove that it is true... or that IPC says it is false. We have a customer tha