Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 03:05:44 EST 2007 | fordf1502004
one of our chip shooters is dropping a lot of parts, the problem i have is i can not tell which manufacture it is. Can anyone out there help me locate a list with electronic manufacture symbols on it?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 10:24:48 EST 2007 | stepheniii
Or do you mean who manufactured the machine? If so it should have a serial tag, if not it's been butchered by a third party.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 18:17:47 EST 2007 | fordf1502004
Sorry I should have made it more clear. My operators are not identifing the parts after a job is run, all they are doing is bringing me a bag of parts at the end of a shift. By knowing the manufacture, i can look it up in our oracle system to identif
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 20 19:15:39 EDT 2002 | stownsend
On a gold plated PCB, when in the PCB fab process is the gold plating applied? How about OSP, when in the process is OSP applied?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 10:10:26 EST 2007 | slthomas
Try this: http://www.tkb-4u.com/code/smdcode/indexsmdcode.php for starters. I'm curious and a little confused, though.....how is knowing who made the part going to reduce/eliminate dropped parts?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 09 22:16:17 EST 2007 | guest
For chip components it is very hard to identify specially the capacitors. You could get sample of each chip manufacture and compare the color. This is very labor intensive task. I suggest to sort by value ( capacitance, resistance) than by manufac
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 20 21:46:09 EDT 2002 | davef
Rinse => OSP Coat => Rinse => Dry Hot Air Solder Level: Preclean => Rinse => Flux Coat => Solder Coat => Hot Air Level => Cool => Soft Brush => Post Clean Rinse => Dry Look here http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/dfe/pubs/pwb/ctsasurf/download/pdf/ch2.pdf
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 10 10:16:11 EST 2007 | slthomas
Pretty labor intensive operation as has already been mentioned. Bang for your buck is about zilch unless you're dropping expensive stuff at alarming rates. If you're not doing it already I'd start logging missed picks/drops/rejections and figure out
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 11 08:20:55 EST 2007 | davef
Marking * SMD marking list on http://www.tkb-4u.com is more update than "The SMD Codebook" on http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/smdcode.htm * http://www.marsport.demon.co.uk/smd/mainframe.htm * http://www.chipdocs.com/pcat/015/1124.html * http:/
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 10:04:40 EST 1999 | sean o neill
Does anyone know where i could find a complete resource (internet preferable) on the effect of using SMT with RF manufacturing applications. Is there any special implications?
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