Electronics Forum: electrovert aquastorm 100 cleaning system (Page 1 of 1)

Printed Circuit wash system

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 01 21:40:04 EDT 2008 | davef

Vapor degreasing systems * Thermal Equipment [Baron-Blakeslee]; Torrance, CA; thermalequipment.com * Exselect Engineering; Concord, ON CAN; exselect.com * Branson Ultrasonics; Danbury, CT; bransoncleaning.com * Greco Brothers; Providence, RI; grecob

Board washer

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 14:27:49 EST 2006 | pjc

Not really. A new Electrovert AquaStorm 100, in-line machine, is under $60K, for straight aqueous applications. The batch type from Aqueous Tech are like $35K I believe. $120K would be for a high performance in-line machine, such as the AquaStorm 200

Aqueous Cleaning Systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 17:56:52 EST 2003 | pjc

Batch vs. In-Line for straight aqueous cleaning applications tends to be all about production. You'll have to see what cycle times you get from the various batch systems out there vs. the in-lines. In-Lines come in various sizes. Some of the leading

Inline Washers

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 28 10:32:45 EST 2003 | pjc

Cookson Electronics Equipment- Electrovert AquaStorm 200 highly recommended options: Checkmate Conveyor Hurricane Jets in Wash and Rinse 4 Additional Top Spray Bars in Wash *Closed Loop Filtration System for Wash *Positive Displacement Chemical Meter

Re: Info. on Stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 29 13:09:12 EST 1999 | Mike Konrad

There are three primary methods of stencil cleaning. � Hand Cleaning � Spray-In-Air Cleaning � Ultrasonic Cleaning Hand Cleaning: Hand cleaning involves the removal of solder paste or adhesives from stencils using a chemically saturated wipe and /

Re: Bench marking Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 14:14:49 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| Hi everybody, | | I would like to bench mark the quality out of our wave soldering m/c as far as DPPM levels are concerned. Can somebody provide me with some figures at their site or anywhere else for the same. | | Thanks | Upinder | ====== | We


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