Electronics Forum: electrovert main solder wave nozzle (Page 1 of 5)

wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Tue May 17 10:11:54 EDT 2005 | russ

I would use a foam fluxer since spraying rosin will make the stickiest nastiest mess you can imagine. 18 layer board huh? You will want convection preheat, both top and bottom preheaters, preheat tunnel of at least 4-5', a chip wave, laminar flow w

Re: Black residue at end of wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 03 01:17:37 EDT 2000 | cpgoh

I ever thot of changing the whole solder pot altogether but then it prove to be a costly measures.. If looking at the source of the problem, it might be mainly due to the way that the machine had been maintain... Anyone care to share how they are per

Re: Describe term A wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 15:21:24 EST 1998 | Chrys

| SMTneters, | I'm famialiar with lambda, omega, and gemini waves but not with "A" wave. Can somebody give me an explanation? | | thanks | | Tom B. | Tom, The term "A" wave refers to an asymetrical wave. It's an Electrovert term that describes

Re: Dross/Oxide problems with wave soldering machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 31 12:24:24 EST 2000 | Dave F

Robert: Several points: 1 Dross is a mixture of various things with no "fixed" composition: � The obvious things are metal oxides mixed with metal and this can vary in color with temperature and composition - remember some intermetallic oxides form

Wave solder: Vitronics-Soltec vs. Electrovert

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 22:57:19 EST 2006 | John

The New Redesigned Vectra , should fit right into the same price range as most mid-range wavesolder machines offer by most. We are looking to replace a existing Delta Wave and found the pricing about the same.But The upgrade prices can be high for no

Wavesolder bridges

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 23 13:33:24 EDT 1998 | Michael N

I need some info on how to stop the bridges I'm having on radial and axial parts that are in the same place on every board. I'm also having problems with sot-25 bridging. I'm using a Electrovert E-pak. I tried leveling the machine,solder pot, and th

Electrovert Econopak Wave Solder Parts - Titanium and Stainless

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 17 19:23:49 EDT 2024 | proy

I have a collection of Electrovert Econopak Parts I would like to sell, or find a home for. This includes - TITANIUM - nozzle/flowduct, Solder pot liner pump assembly. Also have stainless parts - we don't run a 2nd nozzle and only user the Lambda noz

Re: Wavesolder bridges

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 26 20:18:23 EST 1998 | Dave f

| I need some info on how to stop the bridges I'm having on | radial and axial parts that are in the same place on every board. I'm also having problems with sot-25 bridging. I'm using a Electrovert E-pak. I tried leveling the machine,solder pot, an

Wave Solder - Small production - Opinion

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 31 09:09:35 EDT 2007 | russ

Small waves are fine, biggest problem is the little to no preheat length. This is reason that complex boards cannot be soldered without defects. They also do not handle thick PCBas very well either because of same issue. Most of these "benchtops"

Hollis PT500N Wave Solder Machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 09:21:36 EST 2006 | pjc

Be mindful that this machine is no longer support by the mfr. Electrovert/Hollis. There may be some support by third parties in the U.K. Its not a USA designed machine. It has a stainless steel pot, so it will need a titanium liner and new solder noz

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