Electronics Forum: eliminate lga (Page 1 of 1)

LGA and Solderballs

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 28 17:43:03 EST 2006 | IRAS

I'm looking to gain some knowledge on potential causes of solderballs on LGA's and advice on how to eliminate them. we all seeing some solderballs on only the edges of the LGA. Any inputs will be greatful.

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 05:23:10 EDT 2010 | 15009

You can reduce and almost eliminate voids and other paste related defects in LGA's BGA's, QFN's etc, by using solid solder deposit. Its been around for 24 years, 13 in the US. It is now included in the new IPC 7093 specification for bottom terminat

Cleaning Jupiter32 Shielded GPS Modules

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 23 07:28:42 EDT 2012 | ccottreau

Has anybody any experience in cleaning the Jupiter 32 LGA in a Aqueous cleaning process (or any kind of shielded GPS Module). The manufacture does not recommend Aqueous cleaning because that length of drying time and that this may leave residue on th

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 10:17:16 EDT 2010 | markgray

We currently use this devise in one of our designs with no issues. We are using a 3mil stencil and a 45% apperature reduction. It is virtually impossible to eliminate voids but they are in an acceptable range. Solder balls are caused on this componen

Voiding in LGA (LT) soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 01 06:18:05 EDT 2010 | grahamcooper22

Dear SMT Manufacturer, As moisture is eliminated as the cause then solder paste volume will probably be the main contributing factor. More paste means more chance of solder balls and more flux fumes that need to be evaporated to reduce voiding. Even

BCC Technology --- Placement, Rework, Reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 25 21:50:10 EST 2002 | davef

Some of this was copped from Fred. There are numerous package types that now fall under the rubric of land grid array [LGA]. Land grid devices [ie, Bumped Chip Carrier� [BCC], LGA, Quad Flat-pack No-lead [QFN], MicroLeadFrame�, etc] are essentially

Micro Leadless Frame - solder wetting control

Electronics Forum | Wed May 08 23:18:58 EDT 2002 | ianchan

Hi mates, have this SMT production issue : A) We have a leadless-chip-carrier(LCC) IC package that is classified under the Land-Grid-Array(LGA) package family. B) The LCC is 4mm x 4mm, and has 28 tin plated pads located beneath the outside perimet

Re: BS

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 28 12:41:35 EDT 2000 | JAX

MoonMan, I'll take a crack at the list. Feel free to answer the ones I don't! 1. Solderability is a parameter which indicates how well a component can be soldered. As far as Solder Termination Coatings go, here are some up�s and down�s of a few. Ha


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