Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 07:00:32 EST 2004 | mk
ssd eliminates voids from BGA's. Check out http://www.sipad.com
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 15 09:04:36 EST 2004 | rkevin
Does anyone have any information about eliminating voids on BGA using SN62 as opposed to the normal Sn63, something which explains the inter-metallic layers which form during the soldering process and the leaching out of silver ?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 15 09:40:47 EST 2004 | davef
Search the fine SMTnet Archives. For instance: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=24429 Do not get your hopes up about finding something to support your "leaching out of silver theory", though. * AgxSn IMC are disbursed ro
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 21 08:06:09 EDT 2017 | duoman
Has anyone tried PK Metals's product, MS2? Claims to be a dross eliminator.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 22 16:29:27 EDT 2011 | davef
Here's a start 1. Eliminate nonconforming material 2. Eliminate parts shortages 3. Reduce configuration changes 4. Stop rework, software changes 5. Eliminate assembly errors
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 12:44:37 EDT 1999 | Mike Demos
In a cost-reduction effort, our Design group is attempting to eliminate silk-screen (legend ink) on some new products. By the elimination of this process, there will be a slight decrease in the cost of the bare board. Presently, the silk screen den
Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 16:55:51 EDT 2011 | jlawson
If you having bad rotations as main issue this should be fixed at SMT programming side before needing inspection. There are software tools that can eliminate this issue and first article inspection related to rotation errors can be eliminated. ie sti
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 09 22:49:45 EDT 2012 | edmaya33
It's the phosporous level.
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 10:05:59 EST 1999 | Victor Salazar
You might want to check your paste application. We eliminated this problem with reduced aperatures, and homeplate designs on our stencil. The paste process is very important in eliminating solder balls. See Solder aperature guidlines in the forum.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 01 10:16:42 EST 1999 | Mark Anderson
I am interested in getting some feedback on what different companies are doing to eliminate the solder beading issues on 0603, 0402 chip components using a no-clean process. We are currently incorporating a solder mask removal between the solder lan