Electronics Forum: elite 6920 manual screen printer (Page 1 of 1)

Manual screen printer ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 21:32:42 EST 2004 | Ken

Elite? De-Hart? man that brings back memories. Anyone here remember "Screens"?

Screen printing adhesive

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 14 17:33:38 EST 2003 | dgjjr

We use Thermoset MA-420 on a pair of Elite 6920 printers. Excellent results. It took some experimentation with aperture sizes and stencil thickness but it works great.

Re: Competitors in Semi-Automatic Printer market?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 28 20:20:47 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| Just out of curiosity, who's holding the market for the semi-automatic screen printers these days aside from Transition Automation? I know MPM offers some printers in that price range, but are they holding any real market share in that niche? | |

Speaking of Semi-Automatic Printers....

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 22 12:50:04 EDT 1999 | Jennifer

I use a Transition Automation Semi- Automatic stencil printer with laser cut frameless stencils. Just out of curiosity, who's holding the market for the semi-automatic screen printers these days aside from Transition Automation? I know MPM offers

Competitors in Semi-Automatic Printer market?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 12:40:51 EDT 1999 | Jennifer

Just out of curiosity, who's holding the market for the semi-automatic screen printers these days aside from Transition Automation? I know MPM offers some printers in that price range, but are they holding any real market share in that niche? DEK an

Re: Competitors in Semi-Automatic Printer market?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 28 17:36:28 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| Just out of curiosity, who's holding the market for the semi-automatic screen printers these days aside from Transition Automation? I know MPM offers some printers in that price range, but are they holding any real market share in that niche? | |

Re: Competitors in Semi-Automatic Printer market?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 28 19:27:57 EDT 1999 | Ed R

| Just out of curiosity, who's holding the market for the semi-automatic screen printers these days aside from Transition Automation? I know MPM offers some printers in that price range, but are they holding any real market share in that niche? | |

Re: I'm baaack!

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 18:58:44 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| Technically speaking, there is nothing for me to say. Oh maybe just one thing - to get me back into the fray: Steve, I must say I totally disagree with your assessment of under screen cleaners. I have had nothing but excellent results using the dr


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