Electronics Forum: email directory (Page 1 of 3)

Looking for feeback on SMTnet Industry Directories Database

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 17 11:11:47 EDT 1998 | Jon Medernach

Do you frequently search for suppliers of products or services on the internet? or through printed directories and databases? If so, we would appreciate your participation in the design of our new Industry Directory Database. Please e-mail me if you

Re: Posting press release

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 18:04:04 EST 2000 | Michael Bryant

You must be registered as a company in order to post to the news section. You are already registered as an individual, you just need to upgrade to a company account. It is free, just like personal registration. The difference is that it allows you to

Re: Ind Directory

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 15 10:14:02 EDT 2000 | aflewelling

We regularly add entries to the industry directory for companies and societies and associations that we think would be of interest to the SMTnet community. We invite a contact there to come and "claim" the mini-page. In the instance or instances yo

Help SMTnet with new feature

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 22 14:21:50 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

Hello Everyone! I'm sure everybody is curious about what we're up to every day. Well in an effort to improve the site for all of our users we're currently working on a pretty big feature. This feature comes as an answer to the countless emails we

Re: Moisture free storage units.

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 12:19:18 EST 2000 | Bill

Hi, John, Aerofeed Inc. is listed in Smtnet's Industry Directory as a manufacturer of nitrogen storage (desiccator) cabinets. You might try contacting them. They've got literature available to email you directly if you're interested. Bill

Re: Moisture free storage units.

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 07 12:19:18 EST 2000 | Bill

Hi, John, Aerofeed Inc. is listed in Smtnet's Industry Directory as a manufacturer of nitrogen storage (desiccator) cabinets. You might try contacting them. They've got literature available to email you directly if you're interested. Bill

Re: Amateur SM construction education

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 11:53:32 EST 1999 | Cunli Jia @ SMTnet

Bill, I have e-mailed you on linking and publishing your articles in our Library. Please also register your organization in the Directory Database so that people can find you. Thanks, Cunli

CEMs,EMS,OEMs directories

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 28 00:05:42 EDT 2004 | edtan@stockist.com

We are looking for worldwide listings of electronics EMS,CEMs and OEMs , if you can provide us your country list, please email to us at info@stockist.com , many thanks in advance

Re: Company Directory

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 09:14:25 EDT 1998 | John Wilson

| When I search using the new product to company directory, I can't find companies that I know were in the older directory. What did everyone get dumped and they just haven't found-out and re-registered yet? Dave, Yes, we did temporarily remove from

Industry Standard Naming Convention for Parts

Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 10:05:48 EDT 2002 | pgarsoe

JCBA, here is a message posted a few weeks ago that asks a similar question. Help in a naming convention. If you contact Brian, perhaps we could help each other. Date: April 22, 2002 02:21 PM Author: Brian Doyle Subject: Help SMTnet with new f

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