Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 05 16:09:10 EDT 2015 | emanuel
Need assistance - I want to disconnect an unused LCS module from an Emerald machine. I disabled the tray changer and buffer conveyor in the machine's configuration but I still get an L212 error on the bottom of the screen and the machine hangs during
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 04:09:02 EDT 2004 | vinitverma
I would highly recommend Assembleon OpalXII/TopazXII for your low volume high mix applications. You could perform changeovers very quickly. Of course it depends on how many feeders are required per product. If you buy for example, 2 OpalXII machines
Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 14:15:21 EDT 2005 | ve7khz
Hi Folks, Starting a second SMT line this year and it's been (too) long since I have looked at newish machines and I am in need of some assistance with P&P machine selection. Here is what we currently have: Panasonic CM-202 chip shooter 216 8mm reel
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 12:12:52 EDT 1998 | smd
200 boards/Hr and oven will reflow ~180 boards/Hr but the P&P machine will only place 700-950 CPH | | when setup is taken into account. Minimum pitch is normally .020" and we place an Avg. of 491 TSSOPs and 217 BGAs a month. | | We don't even bother
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 16:02:13 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
200 boards/Hr and oven will reflow ~180 boards/Hr but the P&P machine will only place 700-950 CPH | | | when setup is taken into account. Minimum pitch is normally .020" and we place an Avg. of 491 TSSOPs and 217 BGAs a month. | | | We don't even bo
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