Electronics Forum: emi shield (Page 1 of 4)

Snap On EMI Shield ... anyone has experience?

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 13 04:52:08 EDT 2006 | guest

You could try Gore's Snapshot sheild, we use them on a product here, very effective. (No I am not affiliated with Gore!) http://www.gore.com/en_xx/products/electronic/emi/emi_shielding.html

Shield Clips

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 10:18:03 EDT 2001 | davef

In line with the previous poster's comments, * BIG SMT EMI shields are tough to reflow. * SMT EMI frame and snap-in cover [after reflow] shields work fine. The SMT EMI shield design that we like the best is from Instrument Specialties, EZ Peel PCB

Snap On EMI Shield ... anyone has experience?

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 04:04:34 EDT 2006 | dave

would these shields be hermetically sealed ?

Need Help for EMI Shielding process

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 23:50:34 EST 2005 | pyramus

Hi everybody! I would like to ask some advice which kind of EMI shielding process is easy to use, economical and at the same time efficient. I've been doing research for different kinds of shielding process to be used in our product. Can anybody gi

Need Help for EMI Shielding process

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 18:06:15 EST 2005 | pyramus

Thanks for the reply everybody!!! It is a compact RF device it is currently being designed our R&D is asking some suggestions what kind of shielding would be best for it. It is quite compact that we will be using 0201 chips on it. Anybody have exper

Need Help for EMI Shielding process

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 08:09:50 EST 2005 | davef

What type of product [eg, board, enclosure, etc] are we talking about?

Need Help for EMI Shielding process

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 10:55:32 EST 2005 | davef

I'm trying to learn to speak Spanish.

Snap On EMI Shield ... anyone has experience?

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 12:06:26 EDT 2006 | cw

Thanks All!

EMI Shield

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 13:11:00 EDT 2013 | shawnvike

I have a new product to build and it uses a SMD EMI board shield. I have never done this before. There are multiple components under the shield, do I place the components and then the shield and then reflow? Or do I have to reflow the components, ref

EMI Shield

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 13:16:59 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils

Depending on the shield, the PCB, and the parts under the shield, we usually place all the parts, then the shield and reflow them all. The shields usually have breakaways on the top so you can still inspect the components under the shield.

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