Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 18:21:17 EDT 2013 | microaide
We recently purchased some used Quad 4C machines. One of them does not seem to keep a stable origin reference point. I teach the nozzle and component pickup coordinates, then suddenly everything seems to be off by .030 to .040 inches in the X axis. I
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 03:36:19 EDT 2010 | naveed
Hi all!i m using yv100xg line,with vois application version 1.5R2000,when the mechine starts,after loading all files and returning to origin,a mesg appears ,that iz"Ea12324:the repair detection of the file.the mchne is unusually finished and it has t
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 22 20:28:44 EST 2017 | 1232kade
Hi everybody. I have some problem that i cant solve, someone pls help me... My Mounter Juki FX-1R cant origin. When i try to origin, the problem appear ( see attach image ) I can control air devices like ATC plate, nozzle,... But cant origin and cont
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 27 09:46:40 EST 2012 | jaimebc
Interesting, it seems the theta error followed the ZFIB board, running the machine with the original theta error and using the ZFIB board from the second machine since Thursday, no errors since...will continue to evaluate and post results...
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 11 13:54:18 EDT 2017 | brantco
Hello everyone I have a topaz with a L007 error when on the search for origin Any thoughts
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 13:43:41 EDT 2005 | michaelmcclay
Hi Bobpan, I would like to know if you have access to the original Quad 1000 software? I have an operator who "updated" the configuration software on the Quad and hosed it up.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 20:57:51 EST 2006 | bobpan
Mazin, Give me some more information as to what originally caused the problem, Was there an electrical storm, was someone programming when the problem happened, Did you start it up and it happened, etc...etc... The more information the BETTER i can h
Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 16:27:12 EDT 2005 | michaelmcclay
I believe it read Quad 1000 on the machine ID label. The serial number of the machine is 9518-A-02. The operator changed some settings in the configuration file and I need to get that back to the original settings. Any help you can offer would be
Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 23:18:22 EDT 2020 | gabriel1blue
After the closing down for a few weeks we encountered a problem with our old pick and place machine. It reset to Japanese but we were able to change it back to English. Not when we start the machine and try to get it back to origin we get a counter o
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 13:40:42 EDT 2005 | michaelmcclay
Hi C.B, I have been doing some repairs on a Quad 1000 and I am getting to know it better that I want to. My comapny is located in San Jose, CA and I can offer you on site support if you are in the area. I also had an operator "update" the configura