Electronics Forum: enig phosphorus (Page 1 of 1)

ENIG Thickness for Flex

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 23:02:52 EDT 2009 | davef

Use IPC-4552 for your ENIG thickness. Typically, ENIG has nickel deposit with medium [7-9 percent by weight] phosphorus content. That's what fabs do on rigid boards. On a flex with medium-P and IPC-4552 specified ENIG, you could see brittleness and


Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 04 13:15:53 EST 2009 | tstrat

I asked our lab about this and received this response: "Typically 7 - 9wt% phosphorus is used. Higher concentrations (10 - 12 wt% phosphorus) reportedly help prevent Ni-P corrosion during the IG processing step, but they are also reportedly more dif

nickel corrosion

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 06:27:50 EDT 2010 | xps

Hi after an enviromental test 85C/85RH, for 3 months (powered), of an electronic assembly with edge finger tabs ENIG finished (nickel 5micron, gold 0.02micron), the nickel disappears completely under the gold (due to corrosion, I think). Does anyone

ENiG or IAg? Which is better?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 14 11:04:54 EDT 2008 | herman

Samir, To correct some misconceptions on the answers to your question, and "what you know from experience": With both ENIG (Electroless Nickel/Immersion Gold-IAu) and IAg (immersion silver), soldering does not take place to the gold or the silver. Wh

Sulfamate Nickel Finish

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 17:08:32 EDT 2004 | dave

Congratulations on your new customer. This could be a keeper. Here's what you're familiar with: Electroless Nickel - per MIL-C-26074 and ASTM-B733. Electroless nickel describes the plating of nickel deposits, which may contain phosphorus and boro

Black color solder wetting after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 29 14:16:16 EDT 2011 | ppcbs

Below is the long explanation. This defect is most commonly found with BGA components, but can arrise with all components. I see it happening more now with lead free boards that are being assembled with a no clean flux. Best short term remedy is t


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