Electronics Forum: entek 1500 (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Cleaning procedures for Entek-Plus Cu-106A

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 25 12:01:58 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| Earl said, in essence: | | | Justin is absolutely right ... | | | | Again, Entek is not much more than a flux coating ... | | | | Metallic coatings protect best, as we all know - especially those electroplated. Those coatings chemical come in ne

Re: Cleaning procedures for Entek-Plus Cu-106A

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 11:04:53 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | Earl said, in essence: | | | | | Justin is absolutely right ... | | | | | | Again, Entek is not much more than a flux coating ... | | | | | | Metallic coatings protect best, as we all know - especially those electroplated. Those coatings chemi

Re: Cleaning procedures for Entek-Plus Cu-106A

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 17:45:26 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | | Earl said, in essence: | | | | | | | Justin is absolutely right ... | | | | | | | | Again, Entek is not much more than a flux coating ... | | | | | | | | Metallic coatings protect best, as we all know - especially those electroplated. Those


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