Electronics Forum: entek life (Page 1 of 2)

Cleaning of Entek Boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 21:04:06 EDT 2002 | davef

So, why can't you clean misprints on Entek boards? Entek: Cheap, flat, OK shelf life, not without process and fabrication issues. Your Entek organic solderability protection is probably Entek Plus [CU106A] made by Ethone OMI. Consider getting a co

Expiration date of PWB

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 08:35:18 EST 2002 | gregers

PWB shelf life: HASL---3mth ENTEK-- 2mth Before using expired PWB, it is suggested to go thru HASL or ENTEK angain. Ask your VDR to serve this. Re immersion Au, mostly when the thickness under 3u"(micro pores present), the surface gold will serve a

Re: Special PCB finishing require for BGAs ??

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 11:35:24 EST 1998 | Big Manny

I've had some field reliability and Accelerated Life Test (ALT) issues with BGAs on Entek coated Cu. > The best results so far are with Atotech coated Gold electroplate finish. > Solderability, for factory process, seems to be as described by Justin

Copper Passivate ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 22 11:51:28 EDT 2002 | philclegg

Has anyone had experience using Copper Passivate coated PWB's, our supplier calls them "flux coated" but as it's an Organic finish is it handled the same as Entek and where can I get details about it?. I have used Entek CU56 & Entek Plus coated PWB's

Re: Entek coating

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 15 23:58:01 EST 1998 | Phill Hunter

| | I am having a problem with Entek coated boards. The solder past seem to just ball up on the pads. I had no problems with the board when it was hot air leveled. The board is double sided surface mount. I have tried adjusting the oven profiles m

Re: Entek coating

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 11 11:05:06 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| I am having a problem with Entek coated boards. The solder past seem to just ball up on the pads. I had no problems with the board when it was hot air leveled. The board is double sided surface mount. I have tried adjusting the oven profiles mak

Info on OSP PCB�s

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 05 21:14:10 EDT 2001 | davef

You aren't going to post our stuff on your "Hey, I'm the wizard site", are you? Board fab, Pad coatings, OSP 1 OSPs: Imidazole (Via Systems) is good. Entek (Enthone) works, but requires strict thickness control in fab. 2 Enthone CU56 allows one t

Lead Free ...

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 31 13:23:37 EDT 2004 | frankracine

Thanks Ken for your reply. Concerning OSP, there are a few negative points that I must considered for our application. I've read all the following points in an Entek document. Never test it. - If you have a miss print and you clean the PCB, the co


Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 16:54:46 EDT 1998 | Steve Schrader

| Okay, here's a stupid question. What exactly is HASL and OSP? We are going to delve into this technology where I work and I want to utilize the wealth of knowledge here to make life easier. Specifically, what are the differences, the advantages, di

Info on OSP PCB�s

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 12:23:22 EDT 2001 | medernach

I've had good and bad experiences with OSP's. First of all, ask yourself, "Why use an OSP?" If you don't need it, don't use it. Solderability is dependent upon the number of thermal passes (the fewer, the better), the thickness of the coating, the

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