Electronics Forum: epoxy bleed out (Page 1 of 25)

Is more epoxy better?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 18 13:41:34 EDT 2001 | mparker

Good ol' Yankee engineering always says "More is better" You have got to be careful that with more epoxy volume you run the risk of the epoxy merging with solder paste if you are using a glue and paste process. In addition, if the epoxy can spread o

Re: stencil epoxy debonding

Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 17:12:42 EDT 2000 | Joe

I have the same equipment and the same chemicals and have had the same problem. The part of the stencil which is glued to the mesh is being destroyed by the ultra sonics in the equipment. The only solution I found is to seal the glued part of the ste

Re: stencil epoxy debonding

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 28 21:33:01 EDT 2000 | JP

I had a similar problem. We wold begin to notice the debonding within hours after recieving the stencils. As it turned out, our stencil vendor, located in CA, was shipping the stencil to our facility, located in ND, before the epoxy was fully cured

Is more epoxy better?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 17:34:22 EDT 2001 | davef

Continuing the line of Michael's, the previous poster, comments ... The more Krispy Kremes, the better. Yeth!!! The more beer, the better. Yeth!!! The more epoxy, the better. Uh, I don think so!!! We look at this from a papa bear, mama bear, bab

Re: reliability of epoxy

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 06 12:49:41 EDT 1998 | justin medernach

| I am looking for advice or information from anyone about the possible reliability problems associated with epoxy on solder pads of discrete devices. Will the epoxy expand and lift over time, Will there be adverse reaction between the solder and the

Re: reliability of epoxy

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 01:02:51 EDT 1998 | zeek - just wanna to get a word in here

| | I am looking for advice or information from anyone about the possible reliability problems associated with epoxy on solder pads of discrete devices. Will the epoxy expand and lift over time, Will there be adverse reaction between the solder and t

Conformal coat material dispensed through epoxy needle?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 16:15:08 EST 2017 | ttheis

Great, that is encouraging. I did order a few needle sizes from McMaster to try out when we get the machine setup. What do you recommend for clean up the equipment?

Re: Aperature opening for epoxy printing

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 07 11:10:03 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| Could someone give recommendation on the stencil opening for printing epoxy on HAL FR4 PCB for 0805 and 0603 size chips capacitors and resisitors. | My regular stencil manufacturer recommend the following: | Thickness: 8 mils | 0805 opening: Oblong

lead pull out issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 25 21:25:28 EDT 2004 | davef

First as a nit, your �substrate� is probably NOT copper. It�s probably FR4 fiberglass/epoxy. Substrate. Base Material. A supporting insulating material upon which parts, components, and elements are attached. Second, enough of that, on to your i

Vacuum Bake out of plastic BGAs

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 11:08:39 EST 2005 | mrgman9999

We are having a problem with popcorning of a plastic BGA that has been under careful humidity control. We have had problems in the past and some have been related to too much trapped internal solvents from the die attach epoxy. We did a life time b

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