Electronics Forum: epoxy glue (Page 1 of 13)

Is more epoxy better?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 18 12:21:28 EDT 2001 | camohn

When it comes to how much epoxy [aka. "glue"] to dispense to hold a IC or any part with significant mass, on the bottom of a board for wave soldering, is more better? The way I see it, one good dot should be holding such a part on the PCB. If not, th

Is more epoxy better?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 18 13:41:34 EDT 2001 | mparker

Good ol' Yankee engineering always says "More is better" You have got to be careful that with more epoxy volume you run the risk of the epoxy merging with solder paste if you are using a glue and paste process. In addition, if the epoxy can spread o

glue size

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 02 09:54:56 EST 2007 | slthomas

Chalk this one up to semantics. Regardless of when you start pumping (do you use a needle with a foot? In that case the pump will run when the foot touches the board), your volume of epoxy is the same. You just have less room for it where there is si

glue measurement

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 05 16:05:58 EDT 2001 | seand

Hello everyone, Your chief variable here is going to be your epoxy. Different materials react accordingly to various inspection methods but, DEPENDING on your print parameters and material, you may be able to utilize an inline inspection machine.

glue measurement

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 05 07:46:24 EDT 2001 | george

Specifications of testing force are not fixed, but (incase of wave soldering) the value should be at least 120-150 % of the force the wave. So for small chip components we assume that the force from the wave on the component is about 3 Newton, this m

Re: bottom side epoxy

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 09:59:01 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| I recently had the opportunity to visit the vendor who is making my boards. On my trip I noticed that the guy who was in charge of the SMD placement machine (brand new Samsung) still had to manuallly place about 20%-40% of the parts after placement

Is more epoxy better?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 17:34:22 EDT 2001 | davef

Continuing the line of Michael's, the previous poster, comments ... The more Krispy Kremes, the better. Yeth!!! The more beer, the better. Yeth!!! The more epoxy, the better. Uh, I don think so!!! We look at this from a papa bear, mama bear, bab

epoxy for other than water tight seals

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 10:38:49 EDT 2004 | iggyslab

Is there a specific epoxy that is most suitable for sealing a polycarbonate chamber, which will have hydrogen flowing through it at no greater than 10psi? Can any epoxy that provides a watertight seal be used for hydrogen applications? We have th

Re: Aperature opening for epoxy printing

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 07 11:10:03 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| Could someone give recommendation on the stencil opening for printing epoxy on HAL FR4 PCB for 0805 and 0603 size chips capacitors and resisitors. | My regular stencil manufacturer recommend the following: | Thickness: 8 mils | 0805 opening: Oblong

BGA chip corner epoxy / adhesive?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 14:17:03 EST 2006 | russ

I would bet that it is a SMT adhesive used to ensure that the BGA does not move during a secoindary reflow prcess. this glue is easily removed with a soldering iron. Russ

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