Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 19 13:51:48 EDT 2008 | shanenaturalpoint
Just wanted to check and see if anyone out there has experience with 2001 era DEK 248 screen printers. Trying to set up a new (to me)machine, and I'm running into a bit of trouble. Please help!
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 03 13:35:22 EST 2002 | wpease
Hi Brad, Before I tell you my glove fits your hand, I'd like to see your hand. More specifically I'd like to learn more about your application. Board size range? Component size range? Finest pitch? Degree of warpage? Two-sided? etc. Contact m
Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 04 00:07:46 EDT 2003 | Dean
" few software bugs"....many software bugs. May I remind you of version 6.10, 6.32 and the still-born 6.34!!! MPM has worked very hard to repair these, though it has taken some time. I have 5 machines from the SM Tech era, mpm500 and mpm1500 era (v
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 28 16:48:13 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | Yeh Dan, | | | Bought one of those DEK/Universal 265's awhile back. Swear it went faster with their name on it. Never done AMI. What's it all about? | | | Earl Moon | | Hello Earl! | | I have spoken to AMI a couple times while trying to do so
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