Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 01 11:03:31 EST 2003 | davef
We just use stare titanium stiffeners from the wave soldering area. Titanium is probably over-kill for your needs, but will work. Sources for titanium stiffeners are: * APT 603.622.1211 Tom Dimagio * New Era Technology 603.669.77971 Jessie Ward * B
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 17:24:22 EDT 1998 | Ken Chase
Contact New Era Technology, Inc. @ (603)669-7971 for custom pallets and titanium stiffiners and masking.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 25 21:10:28 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero
Hello !! I have a problem with my wave solder oven, in one of the products we made has connectors on one side of the pcb and in the other one has SMT components the process is kinda tricky on the SMT components we use an adhesive and put to the refl
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 12 03:58:10 EST 1998 | Earl Moon
| What are the factors that go into determining PCB Board temperature requirements for the Wavesolder process? Most of the recipes I've seen call for preheating the PCB to around 230F - 250F. This temp is about 210F - 230F below the typical solder te
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 22:10:48 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | | Does anyone know where I can find a list of things to do to when troubleshooting issues during the wave solder process? | | | | | | for example: | | | | | | Solder Bridge | | | 1.verify amount of flux been aplied. | | | 2.verify turbulance on
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