Electronics Forum: error code (Page 1 of 22)

Meridian 1010 error code

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 21 07:44:13 EDT 2005 | bobpan

Usually the machines come with a manual that lists the error codes. Does the error happen at random??? Is it related to one head??? What does the error say in Mr. Terminal??

K$S 7500 error code

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 08:36:29 EDT 2015 | kevinb

I have a K&S 7500 dicing saw with an error code. It reads (F005 system environment is not correct-reinstall system). There is no more support for this machine and I would like to find some help with my problem

Meridian 1010 error code

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 20 18:36:42 EDT 2005 | jsloot

Does anyone have any experience with a QUAD Meridian 1010? Our company has purchased a used machine. We have it installed and running almost smoothly. Getting an error code 3487, description is "Z axis target position in motion board is strange" Anyo

Philips CSM66/II error code

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 26 14:21:01 EST 2005 | andras

My CSM pop-ups this error after power on: 243 X DRIFT ADJUSTMENT NO GOOD and then latch-up. How can I solve this problem?

Philips CSM66/II error code

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 28 18:05:13 EST 2005 | darby

The Yamaha manual is pretty straight forward on this one so I presume the "Philips" is as well. Go to the Maintenance, Repair and Adjustment chapter and look up Drift-Adjusting. It is in the Controller section. If you don't have a manual let us know

Yamaha CSM84VZ error code 79

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 29 18:48:19 EDT 2011 | jrsmachine

We have a Philips CSM84VZ which we acquired several years ago. It has been running fine until recently when a new employee ran it unsupervised. Since then, when in run mode, it wont't run, but just displays error code "#79:operation interrupted". our

Yamaha CSM84VZ error code 79

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 11:18:47 EDT 2011 | tpappano

That message is what you get if for example, if you press "stop" while a board is being placed. While "interrupted" you can for example, press "exit", go make adjustments to mount data or whatever, return to "running", then the board program, then p

Yamaha CSM84VZ error code 79

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 06 17:34:07 EDT 2011 | jrsmachine

Hello Tom. Thks for your response. I tryed all your suggestions. No luck. This is how it happened: Several weeks ago I allowed an inexperienced unsupervised operator to work on some program changes. When I checked back afew hours later I noticed

Universal Advantis Y1 axis error code 10201

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 12:42:42 EDT 2023 | ttheis

We checked the three pacsci pc800 servo controllers and they all look OK, no red or error lights. VRM amps all look OK. Still haven't found the issue.

Universal Advantis Y1 axis error code 10201

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 08 02:21:40 EDT 2023 | unsung

I did clean the gold strip and black encoder box pretty good it took me a few trys but it work ( it did had rust on the machine from the rain I guess... from being out side for awhile)

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