Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 12:18:37 EST 2004 | teamcanada
Standard boot sequence doesnt support proper power for vision. We boot up without power to camera amplifiers, turn on amplifiers post power up and vision is OK but Emergency Stop with Error Codes 9152 and 9154 pop up during production. Possible flaky
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 10:41:28 EDT 2010 | chrislyttle
We've been having some problems with out Fuji IP2E machine that we've recently bought from a company that is no longer operating here. Since installing it we've encountered a few problems with it starting up. To give you a quick breakdown of its be
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 13:07:17 EDT 2012 | rodrigo
Well... after much headache I found a bad relay contact in M1CR1E. The good news is somehow the axis are no longer jerking. The bad news is that it still does not work. When I turn it on now it shows this: emergency stop (in red) waiting for reset
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