Electronics Forum: error conveyor yamaha (Page 1 of 10)

Universal conveyor help

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 29 19:45:23 EDT 2011 | edwaterfall01

The conveyor is programmed to turn off the belts and go into an error condition after 30 seconds if the board has not passed the output sensor on the conveyor. The intent is to indicate a board jam and prevent damage to the board or belts. On convey

Universal conveyor help

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 20 19:23:18 EDT 2011 | eadthem

As far as the buttons go, White = pause for inspection when depressed, lit when active Green = pass after inspection when lit you need to press the button, when flashing its waiting for the upline machine, Yellow/orange = when flashing indicates

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 29 19:02:15 EDT 2010 | jeffr

You must re-insall the software. Do you have the procedure and the disks? The yamaha manual quotes:- Ea12324 The repair detection of the file. The machine is unusually shut down. One or more files may be damaged. Run the upgrade installation of the

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 06 08:38:54 EDT 2010 | sachu_70

I am impressed to know that you are a one-man army confronting YV100Xg. However, you could always call in for an Engineer from a YAMAHA service provider to resolve your problem. Else, just try by reinstalling your machine software. But before you do

YV100xg error

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 15:32:27 EDT 2010 | naveed

Yes!tahnkx I made a backup disc.the all data for production files,and also the data base library(vision files for component and fiducials) has been copied to the disc.we are in contact with yamaha consultant,they sent us the new manual which has the

Philips Topaz - conveyor motor doesn't work

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 01 11:12:18 EDT 2015 | zombee

Problem is solved! There wasn't voltage on motor inputs (only 5-10V AC) when the motor connected correctly, but was ~210V AC without motor. Firstly, I exchanged the motor speed control relay (Panasonic G-series type), but the result was same. (the a

Juki 2060 internal conveyor stopped working

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 24 01:21:42 EST 2022 | crystalw4280

The bottom piece of the sensor broke, and it threw it off, fixed now. Wasn't sure, it must have come loose enough to throw it off, but not enough to trigger an error that it wasn't working...because it was still in the casing

Philips Topaz - conveyor motor doesn't work

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 15:21:04 EDT 2015 | zombee

Dear Users! I have a Topaz pick&place machine, but the conveyor motor is not working. 1st test - production: Start production in "operation" menu: if I put the PCB the entrace of machine, the assembly head-bank picks up the first 8 components (prec

error codes manual

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 12 07:11:55 EST 2017 | esolano

Hi l have Yamaha YSi-12 AOI,I am looking error codes manual.lf any one have please advice. my id is atulpant@tekmart.com. Thanks Atul

Nozzle gives vacuum error

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 12 11:10:51 EDT 2023 | compit

I don't know how in Panasonic - in Yamaha and similar pressure / vacuum is calibrated for each head and nozzle - maybe you need to calibrate?

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