Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 31 11:05:26 EDT 2009 | ericthered
thanks for the responses. Went to Kester. Better now.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 03 15:42:23 EDT 2009 | rkevin
Hard to beleive anything from Kester these days would help. (Unsolicited opinion)
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 12 21:37:52 EDT 2009 | padawanlinuxero
HI !!! We have the same oven! and yes profiling is hard, but not that bad. Check with the solder paste company for information, right out of my head dont remember for the temps that we use on mondayIcan show you my profile so that youhave an idea
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 13 12:32:55 EDT 2009 | ericthered
That would be great Armando, thanks. Also, what changes might I make with metal clad light boards (LED). heat transference is tricky with these and the solder is not wetting well.
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 10:04:51 EDT 2009 | ericthered
We have been having problems with proper wetting when running mainly lead free but also leaded solder in our Ersa Hotflow 3. Solder either often looks grainy or doesn't flow over the whole pad. This is generally the case when my profile is 170 firs
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 14:12:10 EDT 2009 | rgduval
Check with your paste manufacturer for a recommended baseling. The paste manufacturers generally have a database by oven that gives optimal performance for their paste. It's only a baseline, and does need to be adjusted based on the thermal foot pr
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 12:44:07 EDT 2009 | stepheniii
Let me be the first to suggest; Get a better oven. 5 zones minimum. If you can't, you will have to have some way of profiling the board. Does the oven have thermocouple ports? If not you will have to buy some kind of termperature datalogger. Mayb
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 23:36:54 EST 2016 | ctran
ERSA is located in Wisconsin, USA.
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 18 12:46:45 EST 2016 | max83
Hello All, Does anyone know where can we buy spare parts for ERSA reflow in Europe or USA?
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 19 02:37:49 EST 2016 | max83
Hello, I mean European or USA distributors of ERSA which can sell the spare parts. Do you know them?