Electronics Forum: ersa hotflow 7 fault (Page 1 of 2)

ersa 7

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 10 07:52:19 EST 2008 | stano

Hello everybody. We have ERSA Hotflow 7 oven, and we want run weekly timer. We had setting it, but oven still run, it does not turn off and on automatically, and message is : clock is bridged. Know somebody how to set weekly timer? Thanks.

ERSA Hotflow7

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 11 23:36:05 EDT 2006 | stano

Hi all. We have problem with ERSA Hotflow7 oven. If PCB go by oven temperature in first zone descend down approx. 15�C. Can anybody help me. Thanks.

ERSA Hotflow7

Electronics Forum | Wed May 07 16:56:20 EDT 2008 | fujillews

hi send me your contact info to llew@alternativesmt.com and i will sort you out by return

ERSA Hotflow7

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 13:36:06 EDT 2008 | georgegaytan

Can somebody help me? I have an Ersa Flow 7 but the hard drive from the PC is completely damage. I need a copy of the software in order to get my machine running but I do not want to pay Ersa for all kinds of fees to get a copy. I do not mind paying

ERSA Hotflow7

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 16 05:31:43 EDT 2006 | vasily

Hi Stano You put "cold" PCB into the oven. What do you expect? Of course the temperature will go down. I don't think it affects the final result of soldering.

lead free joint finish

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 29 20:57:06 EST 2009 | padawanlinuxero

HI!!! its a ERSA Reflow Oven HotFLOW 7 and I really appreciate some help thanks

ERSA Hotflow5

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 10:49:51 EDT 2004 | marc

Gary Getting the specs for a used machine will be tough from Ersa but at least send them a note, the seller should also be able to get the info for you. In regards a 5 zone system. I would suggest at least 7+ zones if your moving to lead free.

ERSA Hotflow7

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 14:07:49 EDT 2008 | slthomas

Don't know that oven or if the layout is similar at all to a Heller, but in our 1500s you could lose a blower and not get an alarm until a large board blocked vertical airflow. At that point the thermocouple in the faulty zone would then lose heat

ERSA Hotflow5

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 25 10:36:06 EDT 2004 | gpaelmo

Hi, Anyone using this in production? Our company is looking into this model (used). Board size up to to 8"x10", max layer=12, single and double side SMT, medium density mostly passives, max QFP/BGA on board=7-10, 1,000-3,000 boards/wk. Can anyone d

Nitrogen Reflow

Electronics Forum | Sat May 26 04:57:53 EDT 2001 | Brian Sloth Bentzen

Dear Frang. The right O2 level are mostly determined by the products you produce (E.i. PCB surface and component solderability). In reflow I would say the window is between 100 and 1000 ppm, depending on the issues above. Personal I choose a maximu

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