Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 16:08:03 EDT 2012 | burb1999
Looking for the best Selective wave from everybodies opinions and why? Looking at also if it needs fixtures etc? What about the ERSA VERSAFLOW 3/45? Thanx, Todd
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 22:05:54 EST 2017 | cromaclear
Hello to all, I am using ersa versaflow 3 selective soldering machine, i am having problems with nitrogen gas ring contamination. How can i clean this rings,what do you use? Ultrasonic bath maybe?
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 01 12:58:40 EDT 2012 | bburn
My company is looking to purchase a new selective solder system. We're currently looking at the ACE KISS 205 and the ERSA Versaflow3. I am hoping to get some feedback from anyone who has worked with either of these machines or the companies themsel
Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 11 08:37:35 EST 2017 | tch
My company has had the same issue on our Versaflow 366 with SAC305, we tried ultrasonic cleaning and it worked for a shift and then was clogged again. We have had the machine for 3 years and we have had to replace the gassing rings twice so far. We a
Electronics Forum | Thu May 12 11:56:42 EDT 2005 | pr
Ersa Versaflow has a nozzle we use for soldering 70 pin connectors, with smt parts 3mm from the leads. As far as soldering through hole (without the tight SMT parts)It's reliable, easy to program and very good quality joints. Your advantages are spee
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 20 02:17:15 EDT 2017 | cromaclear
Hello to all, I am having a serious problem on my ersa versaflow 3 machine. This is a selective soldering machine and a problem is in less soldering material on the pins, you can see it in the picture http://imgur.com/a/FC2a1 Do you have any idea how
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 10 11:10:21 EST 2017 | duoman
I've been using the ERSA Versaflow 3/45 for 3 years. I've been changing the gassing rings and seals annually, but I'm going to a schedule of every 6 months. I blow my gassing rings off with compressed air. I also blow a little into the intake tube to
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 29 13:56:19 EDT 2013 | williamaxler
We have a Versaflow 40/50 and ours is setup like this. We have out nozzle test position set so that in the Z axis you are 3.8mm away from the pin. Used feeler gauge Then you can set your gradient per nozzle. Start with a number then do a wave offs
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 24 07:23:06 EDT 2017 | tch
You will need to preheat the boards for a lead free selective solder process. A preheat module is critical for any wave or selective solder process, if you don't get the board preheated properly the solder is going to resist flowing to the top of the
Electronics Forum | Mon May 14 12:44:08 EDT 2012 | tomgervascio
I am a user of an Ersa Versaflow 3/45. I was wondering if anyone could share some process pointers. I have a 0.125" multilayer PCB that I am having problems consistently achieving 75 percent hole fill on a mini-coax connector. The coax connector ha