Electronics Forum: esd consideration for part feeders (Page 1 of 1)

Static Detectior for ESD program

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 10 18:05:11 EDT 2002 | mikestringer

What have your experiences been with static meters for maintaining your ESD program? As part of our ESD program I am after an improved method of identifying risk items, or items not performing to specification. We use wrist and foot straps, ESD flo

Replacement valves for Emerald x / YV88X

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 20:24:09 EDT 2021 | kumarb

Thank you Michal. Very much appreciated. We are thinking along the same lines. However, we are being very afraid to even cut the official wire ties that are securing the head 1 and head 2 wiring. We have a new VAC2 solenoid in transit that will arr

Is anyone using FEEDER FINGERS for small cut tape SMT parts?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 11 09:31:13 EDT 2019 | relaycz

Very cheap option are adhesive strips. Easy to use and if operator is carefull, there are no spilled components. https://www.steier.de/steierform/Anwendungen/Gurte-verbinden-SMD-Splice-Produkte/TOP-Splice-ESD-gerecht-orange.html


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