Electronics Forum: esd floor tape marking (Page 1 of 2)

Re: Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 16:56:19 EST 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: If I was to count, I'd guess there was more than 4 subquestions. Hey, but who's countin' anyway? I have answer (s) "on ESD all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line:" Before pushing-on, it is only "a typical PCB Assembly li

Re: Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 16:56:19 EST 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: If I was to count, I'd guess there was more than 4 subquestions. Hey, but who's countin' anyway? I have answer (s) "on ESD all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line:" Before pushing-on, it is only "a typical PCB Assembly li

Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 10:19:24 EST 2000 | Ashok Dhawan

I have a question (s) on ESD- all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line: 1. How a wooden mini stool if used for holding tote box ( card board with static protecive coat, black color) can affect static sensitive devices inside the tot

Use of Wood on PCB Assembly Production floor ??

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 09 10:19:24 EST 2000 | Ashok Dhawan

I have a question (s) on ESD- all related to use of wood in a typical PCB Assembly line: 1. How a wooden mini stool if used for holding tote box ( card board with static protecive coat, black color) can affect static sensitive devices inside the tot

ESD Flooring

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 23 17:23:12 EST 2006 | markpieter

Recently we did an installation in Germany. This company had their floor carpented with ESD carpet. There is also ESD paint available. Many regards, Mark

Walkmen In Assembly Area

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 11:55:54 EST 2002 | larryk

Lets take it a step farther. What about letting them use tapes or CDs in those walkmans? Would you allow them on the factory floor? Any ESD issues with the plastic cases? If not, would you limit the amount of tapes or CDS they could have with them?

Pencil Use writing onto IC

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 01:06:28 EST 2002 | iman

Was visting a production floor, of an SMT assembly line, and saw operators using mechanical pencils to write "process stage identification markings" onto the SOIC packages, after the post-reflow inspection. was wondering if such pencil markings is c

Re: ESD Floor Tile

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 07:57:27 EDT 1999 | Mark Quealy

| | | | I am looking for suppliers of ESD floor coverings. I currently have ESD carpet and I would like to replace them with ESD Tile. Help Me | | | | | | | | MD Cox | | | | | | | | Try a search in the archives. A while back someone asked for

Component Wrong Orientation

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 23 18:04:51 EDT 2006 | mika

4. There is a possibility that your company have more than one vendor for a specific component (same partnumber for you but different mfg. part nr). Let say that it is a red led and this itself could be somewhat tricky to order: Red led is as most of

BGA & QFP post reflow inspection

Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 17:15:02 EDT 2005 | siverts

Hey Dr . Klein, I think You do it all right... But here it comes: MSD; what does it really means? MS-level; what does it really means? Floor life what does it really means? I'm sorry but I can't answer all these questions right now. It is a complex m

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