Electronics Forum: esd racks (Page 1 of 3)

ESD considerations during Conformal Coating?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 01 11:38:28 EDT 2009 | operator

So would the proper technique be as follows: 1. Grounded operator picks up PCB from ESD rack and attaches a 1meg(wrist strap cord)shunt to ground to a grounding surface on the pcb. 2. operator sprays conformal coating onto pcb using a spr

ESD Shelving

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 12:51:05 EDT 2021 | cbart

1. If a populated PCB is put on a ESD safe Rack, is it able to be placed on a Plastic Shelf? = I would say no, here is why: if there is an esd event on the rack/tray where will it go with no path to ground? being the rack is a generator you are going

ESD Shelving

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 18:52:31 EDT 2021 | lasmith132

3 more questions I promise. :) 1. If a populated PCB is put on a ESD safe Rack, is it able to be placed on a Plastic Shelf? 2. If a populated PCB is put in a covered ESD box, is it able to be placed on a Plastic Shelf? 3. Could we put ESD vinyl


Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 08:24:44 EST 2009 | rgduval

Umar, We don't think you've violated ESD handling in the manner you've described. If your employees were wearing foot straps, and your floors are conductive/grounded. I've run into this at multiple companies, where transporting the PCBs station

New SMT line introduction

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 10:01:37 EDT 2017 | jpenner

To add to what Rob has said, Have you considered an ESD safe environment? Floors, Racks, tables, etc.... Also the humidity level of your area incase you use MSD parts? Just a thought.


Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 14:58:14 EST 2007 | rgduval

Bill, Likely the latex isn't conductive, so charges will not be dissipated to the metal rack. Whether that constitutes an ESD risk or not will depend on the generative properties of the latex. I've never tested units inside my wash, so I can't spe

ESD suitability of bare wood

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 20:55:09 EST 2002 | davef

You are correct about the location of wood on your friendly neighborhood triboelectric scale. But unfortunately for us [and fortunately for the ESD protected material board rack salesperson], the scale does not recognize the effect of the moisture t

Need an ESD Guru

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 17 17:17:17 EDT 2006 | rgduval

I'm in the middle of developing an ESD program at my company, trying to adhere to S20.20 as much as possible (and the suggestions of the ESD audit conducted before I got here). I've been discussing the pros/cons of pink-poly foams and black foams.

Re: Why Dry After DI?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 12:33:39 EDT 1998 | smd

I am about to place a huge PO for ESD boxes. Our assemblies need to be placed horizontally in the stainless racks until wavesoldered, but after the wash they will be placed in the boxes. The boxes have a conductive film but they are still cardboard

PCB Storage - WIP

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 07:48:23 EDT 2004 | BobL

Contact Jim Marquis at Kimchuk, Inc. (203) 790-7800. They are marketing a rack and stack product that allows you to store the pc boards flat. It is esd safe and eliminates damage from handling boards. I have been in electronic manufacturing for 20 ye

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