Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 07:20:12 EDT 2015 | spoiltforchoice
I'm not entirely sure that is accurate. The only people who want small 'desktop' machines are hobbyists/labs who are unable to accept the costs and time constraints placed upon them by a subcontractor and think they can do better themselves. Standalo
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 13:14:47 EDT 2011 | isd_jwendell
Have you looked at Essemtec for a PnP machine?
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 05:57:55 EDT 2019 | uzbek
Hi all, we have the opportunity to buy used Essemtec FLX2011 PnP machine. The machine is made in 2009 and the last two years it wasn't used. With the machine, we would get some feeders and all nozzles. Moreover, we would get the library from the EM
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 12:38:40 EDT 2007 | Cal
Basem, I worked directly with both Essemtec and Dima and if you send me an email I can help provide direction. cal_Driscoll@hotmail.com Unfortunately,I have been out of the SMT world for almost 4 years now. I would lean more towrds the Essemtec as
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 03 04:33:18 EDT 2013 | sarason
There is one Essemtec CML7000 om ebay right now http://www.ebay.com/itm/Essemtec-Pick-and-Place-Machine-CML7000-CML-7000-/321164969584?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ac6ec8670 regards sarason
Electronics Forum | Fri May 11 11:15:03 EDT 2012 | shawnvike
Good question and always fun to wade through all the issues. We currently run an Essemtec FLX2010 and a Manncorp CR-6000 oven. Our printer is an Essemtec SP002 (I think) guided manual. We have been running the Essemtec equipment for ~6 years and ha
Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 03 03:26:26 EDT 2013 | sarason
I have had some experience with both Manncorp specifically the 7722 machine and the Essemtec 7100. Both machines are supported in my software PCBSynergy. http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ The service from Manncorp for my friends machine after s
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 28 15:10:58 EDT 2019 | saucyshawn
Having used an FLX2010 for many years and having upgraded it to vision I would hesitate on the BGA, 0402 and no chance on the 0201. Essemtec makes a good machine, the user interface is awesome. But feeder take a long time to load, can become problem
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 06:29:03 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice
Essemtec machines are quite good for small batch production. However you do need to bear in mind the FLX is quite small and depending how you use it and the options fitted might be limited on feeder count. You don't mention if this FLX is laser or
Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 03:14:03 EDT 2016 | designhaus
Hello, We are about receive an 85.000 USD award grant towards purchasing manufacturing or testing equipment for our company. We are trying to figure out how to best use this grant. Here are short facts about us: We are a design house, so all our ma