Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 07:39:46 EDT 2000 | Mark Alder
Just short note to say Hi.Please send me your private e-mail address. Regards Mark Alder
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 21:59:10 EDT 2000 | Ray Chartrand
Does anyone know the current cost to repair a defective solder joint? I seem to recall a number quoted a few years ago of $1.03 per joint with burden of overhead. I've also seen numbers from 50 cents to 50 dollars per joint.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 28 12:41:54 EDT 2008 | omid_juve
we want to estimate the price of assemblyng a board that contain both SMD and THT component . and also we have the BOM file of this board . please help me
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 29 08:29:21 EDT 2008 | davef
Beyond the materials cost, one approach to estimating the cost of assembling a board is: 1 Direct cost * Determine the processes required to assemble the board * Separate parts on BOM according to process * Multiply number of parts in each process by
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 04:08:52 EDT 2008 | janet200701
we want to estimate the price of assemblyng a > board that contain both SMD and THT component . > and also we have the BOM file of this board . > please help me There is 3part on the cost: 1. PCB cost 2.Assembly cost 3.components cost. If you w
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 14:05:22 EDT 2000 | Jeff Sanchez
Ray, I don't know for sure what exact data Ceeris used to come up with their figures. Did they account for shipping? Was the rework done by expensive equipment? When I read your thre
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 02 16:30:42 EDT 2000 | Michael Parker
I found a reference to Cost of Conversion earlier this year. Basically, the average cost to convert a single component from raw materials to assembled goods is $.08, just after pick and place. After placement and before reflow, repair (solder paste r
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 28 08:27:55 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| if anyone has used or has one of these bga rework stations please give me your opinion on them. I am planning on using the sytem for not only rework but also low volume prototype production for hand built 1 or 2 qty pcb's, so ease of use is impor
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 01 18:50:02 EDT 2014 | hegemon
There are no BGA rework stations in that price range that I would consider for purchase. (or did you miss a zero in your cost estimate?) In order to have placement, and sufficient heating for proper BGA rework (top and bottomside)you're going to hav
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 18:31:11 EDT 2000 | Doug Teeter
Can anyone tell me the cost or estimated cost of soldering BGA's to the PCB (per package, per ball)?? Also, is there a similar cost for Rework