Electronics Forum: europlacer trolley ram (Page 1 of 2)

Europlacer old style trolley adjustment

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 29 11:58:41 EST 2016 | dustin

When looking at 0402 parts in our old style Europlacer trolleys, the pick up point is in between two part slots. I have heard that there is a manual adjust somewhere on the sides of the trolley that will let you move part into the pick up window. I h

Europlacer old style trolley adjustment

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 02 08:58:48 EST 2016 | mbass

From what I can rememeber I used to set x & y to zero advance the tap ethen it was press the lane and vaild button together to advance half a pitch which should bring it all into line. All the older RC software you could just put a manual adjustment

Europlacer feeders and trolleys

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 13:26:55 EST 2020 | atpico

Hello Dave, Thank you. I certainly look on Used Equipment Mart section. The question was if Gen 1 feeders/trolleys worth to invest or better try to buy EP Gen 2 feeders/trolleys even if significantly much expensier/rare on used machines market.

Europlacer feeders and trolleys

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 17:32:17 EST 2020 | atpico

We are looking to buy a 2nd hand Europlacer p-n-p. We would be very grateful to have a real production competent opinion about EP feeders/trolleys Questions: 1. generally how good/bad are older (Gen1, Gen2) Europlacer feeders and trolleys systems

Europlacer feeders and trolleys

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 04 10:47:48 EST 2021 | mbass

Hi, As a user of EP P&P machines for over 20 years I have used Gen 1 & Gen 2 Trolleys. If you can get Gen 2 Trolleys with Elements that would be the preference as there are a few options available on the Gen 2 not on Gen 1. That said the Gen 1 Trolle

Europlacer feeders and trolleys

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 02:16:46 EST 2020 | davef

Used Equipment Mart [nav bar on the left margin of your screen] * SMTnet > Used Euipment Mart > RFQ [nav bar on the left margin of your screen]

Europlacer feeders and trolleys

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 07:31:34 EST 2021 | atpico

Great! Thank you! What about Gen1 vs Gen2(NT) EP feeders (not feeder elements)

Europlacer feeders and trolleys

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 07:48:39 EST 2021 | mbass

Go for Gen 2 NT feeders, the Gen 1 Feeders tend to be problematic the older they get whereas the Gen 2 feeders are a much better prospect. I've used 8, 12, 16, 24 and 44mm. Some problems to look out for is pull back of coverlay and removal of waste

Europlacer iineo RC5.16.BOM12 Electrical Tester problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 02:29:55 EDT 2019 | robl

Hi all, Is anyone else running RC5.16 with an electrical tester? After the last system update all 3 of our iineo's have picked up a bug: When we change an element the software forces all applicable parts in that trolley to go through electrical te

Re: Intelliplace and Europlacer

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 03 07:49:30 EST 1998 | Steve Sauer

Hi Scott, The only information that I have on the Intelliplace machine is that it is their own design unlike the other models (Casio) that they are licensed to sell. As for the other machine (Europlacer Progress 6), I have an extensive background wit

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