Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 11 17:16:17 EDT 2013 | saied
Hello, We would like to order this spare-part blower motor electrovert omni Excel for Speedline Technologies Electrovert, type: Omni Excel 7 Serial: 476219 Date: 4/04 and we would be thankful if you provide us the Service manul for your prod
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 15:54:03 EDT 2019 | linux
Hello All, I'm looking for information on OEE data collection for our smt dept. Would anyone have a template excel based or know of somewhere we can purchase a template which would allow the operator to fill in data at shift end. Any info greatly app
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 14:39:05 EDT 2019 | linux
Thanks for the input, We work with Panasonic dual line, only bottle neck we have is the oven.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 15:35:31 EDT 2019 | davef
The oven is the only thing that you need to manage, in your case
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 10 07:41:43 EDT 2019 | stephendo
If you are not going to do anything with the data, then why collect it? And everyone does it differently.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 10 14:44:54 EDT 2019 | linux
Steve is on the right track. Wall art
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 08 13:39:54 EDT 2019 | davef
Be careful using charts like this to characterize the performance of a production line. The only part of the line that needs to be optimized is the bottleneck. Stencil printer probably.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 23:31:07 EDT 2019 | linux
If oven profile is optimised there's nothing to manage. What I was looking for is a oee template, nothing to do with line optimisation.
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 10 15:53:05 EDT 2019 | slthomas
Sorry to hear that, although I'm sure some readers will experience the proverbial "ah-hah" moment upon reading your last comment. Thanks for the transparency. :)
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 10 11:00:27 EDT 2019 | slthomas
Sometimes it's just because they want "data art" on the walls. I was once tasked with developing an SPC program for our SMT lines. It was crudely implemented (plotting points on a chart template) because this was a BIFF (big improvements for free) p