Electronics Forum: excepts (Page 1 of 76)


Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 18 20:42:02 EDT 2000 | KYUNG SAM PARK

Hi. Smtguys I need help. The delamination of smd (QFP) occured when we checked with the SEM. This device have been excursed smt process after baking for 24 hour (125��) in oven. Are there any other reasion in SMD delamination except humidit

OT: Wavesolder Process Engineer Needed

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 15 08:01:37 EDT 2008 | amcross

Grayman, Respectfully, you are off base. Many US companies pay their best engineers FAR more than any managers other than their executive VPs. Exceptional tchnical skill, absent management ability, IS rewarded VERY highly here in the US. in the past

Transit Of Venus

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 19:59:48 EDT 2004 | M.L. Feather

I won't see it either except in pictures. Thanks for info. M.L. Feather

Dover Coporation selling Vitronics Soltec

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 12:14:27 EDT 2006 | russ

All except for DEK!!!!! Russ

Would YOU except this PCB ???

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 14 18:33:38 EDT 2008 | smt_guy

Am I Correct to say that the Via's Annular Rings are broken or incomplete? If they are then that's an automatic Failed. regards

APS Novastar oven tuning?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 13 14:30:38 EST 2010 | gantry

I do not have a suggestion except possibly calling APS?


Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 00:18:07 EDT 2017 | teslalab2

The password is QUAD not quad. Not very many DOS programs are case sensitive, CC is an exception....


Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 10 19:10:17 EST 2005 | mika

Most of the chip; res & caps are already lead-free or RoHS compliant and you most certainly already solder them in your regular leaded reflow process. However, there are a few more component packages except from BGA:s that are NOT backwards compatib

Mydata TP-11 Small X not working

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 25 14:55:17 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

The small x motor quit working.It seems that there is no voltage going to the motor. Here is what I have done so far: *Verified that the motor is good. *Check pico fuses on the backplane *Verify voltages on backplane and on big booster. *Swap mot ca

No Go Gauge for AOI?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 01 05:20:57 EDT 2015 | alexeis

Hi, I agree with Buckcho. Further to what was said here, our customers perform preliminary simulations to discover potential problems in production. To do so, they use software tools such as QPlan and QPlace UPD. QPlan automatically detects and fix

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