Electronics Forum: exhaust fans (Page 1 of 5)

Solder Pot exhaust fan?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 09:45:57 EDT 2005 | young

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows where I could get a solder pot exhaust fan? Here are the specifications: Manufacturer: Emerson Description: Belted Fan + Blower Duty Model: S63CXJDJ-7165 CAT: 5795C HP: 3/4 RPM: 1725/1140 Voltage: 115 Hz: 60

Solder Pot exhaust fan?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 10:54:04 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf

We agree with Locutus F.

Solder Pot exhaust fan?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 11:34:07 EDT 2005 | ??

hahhaah....thats funny sr.tech

Solder Pot exhaust fan?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 20 10:11:50 EDT 2005 | davef

Emerson Ventilation Products 10048 Industrial Boulevard Lenexa, KS 66215-1219 Phone: 913-752-6000 Fax: 913-752-6478 http://www.emersonvent.com

Reflow oven exhaust down

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 09:42:57 EST 2008 | tonyamenson

I just discovered my reflow oven exhaust had no suction and I'm fixing it now. What I want to know is what happened to my process. FYI. The exhaust from my other oven was getting kicked back into the faulty oven because of this loss of suction. The

Exhaust Fans

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 21 18:58:36 EST 2008 | mhogan130

Does anyone have a recomendation of the manufacturer and/or model number of an exhaust fan used with a Heller1707? I need to move 400CFM with an 8" vent and can't seem to locate a vendor.

New Facility Advise/Questions

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 26 17:21:18 EST 2019 | rgduval

If you're going to vent through a single exhaust/fan combo, I would recommend spending the money, and getting an HVAC company in there to size the exhaust fan, and duct work. It'll pay dividends for you in the future. We did that at a previous comp

Exhaust Fans

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 08:13:02 EST 2008 | davef

Try: * Grainger [www.grainger.com] * Mc Master-Carr [www.mcmaster.com] Use a blast gate like McMaster-Carr 1822K315 located on each port of the machine. These will help balance the air flow entrance to exit as well.

wav smells

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 10 18:47:03 EDT 2012 | gaz

We are having an issue where when we are wav soldering, there seems to be a lot of smell. We have exhaust fans running, but not sure how to know if they are enough. Do you know what area of the machine/process is most likely the cause of the smell a

Hexi reflow CFM

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 08 04:49:09 EST 2014 | cspasol

Anybody know what is the standard CFM of HEXI reflow? Our reflow oven SF-820-LF has no exhaust fan. So from our facility what should be the required CFM.

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