Electronics Forum: exit conveyor wave soldering (Page 1 of 38)

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Sun May 09 06:34:53 EDT 2004 | alex

i want to know that friends what is the angle of conveyor in wave soldering machine to get good soldering , can we adjust angle

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 09:57:32 EDT 2004 | loz

Can you advise why the angle would need to be larger for LF process? Thanks loz

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 20:16:02 EDT 2004 | wdlau

it can adjusted per the machine and your boards, Not a fix for every board, also if you are talking about the LF wave soldering process, it should be moved to largr angle compared to the tranditional sn/pb soldering

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 07:53:30 EDT 2004 | pjc

most machines have fixed angle of 6 deg. some are adjustable from 5 - 7 deg., but 6 is most popular.

wave soldering conveyor angle

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 07:34:42 EDT 2004 | RLeonard

The standard machine is set from the factory at 7-9 degrees, 7 is the most standard, why are you considering the change? before doing any thing to the machine, first identify why? what type of defects are you seeing? I have found, depending on the t

reflow exit problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 11:52:58 EDT 2005 | chunks

Elektrobit (JOT) makes a wave unloader you can use to put your board back onto an edge conveyor (if you are using just a belt on your oven now) and then place a FIFO or Mag Loader after that.

wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 06:58:03 EST 2005 | bk

A little more information on your current wavesoldering process would be helpful in helping you. Information like what kind of flux your are using,how you are applying the flux,what preheat temps you are using,and your conveyor speed. Without knowing

Pad design for SMD Bottomside wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 10:40:10 EDT 2001 | davef

First, your primary side component pads should be designed according to SM-782A, "Surface Mount design & Land Pattern Standard". Next if you did that and your secondary side component pads are the same size as your primary side components, your diff

Solderbridges wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 01 07:46:41 EST 2006 | davef

Bridging Causes: * Insufficient flux * Excessive pre-heat * High conveyor speed * Solder contamination

Fine pitch wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 11:56:47 EDT 2006 | russ

I think you have your pitch wrong but anyway, I have never had success with wave soldering anything less than 50 mil pitch. On a QFP I have had good luck on three sides of 25 mil but never all four sides and without defects. Mask 'em off and hand s

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