Electronics Forum: exporting cad data (Page 1 of 45)

x-y data generation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 08:32:11 EDT 2005 | aj

Doug, Why not insist on the smae fromat from all customers. They can export center cad-data as easy as any other type. Do you send a DFM to your customers? If you tell them that it will improve your turn around time they will send you what you wan

Convertion Gerber to P&P data

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 01:07:34 EST 2006 | pavel_murtishev

Good morning Mark, CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) products are designed to solve such tasks. You can try CAM350 for example. CAM350 understands different ASCII exported data from different CAD systems. CAD ASCII export contains all necessary inf

ScanPlace or any scanner cad package

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 17 18:29:01 EST 2002 | Bill Loving

Dear Jason, Thank you for posting your request on SMTNET. Please note that ScanCAD International provides an upgrade path for all installed customers, regardless of the age of their system. Currently, hundreds of systems are installed in 37 countr

ScanPlace or any scanner cad package

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 17 18:33:24 EST 2002 | Bill Loving

Dear Jason, Thank you for posting your request on SMTNET. Please note that ScanCAD International provides an upgrade path for all installed customers, regardless of the age of their system. Currently, hundreds of systems are installed in 37 countr

Convertion Gerber to P&P data

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 05 13:29:43 EST 2006 | jax

Nothing is automatic from Gerber. Gerber is stupid data. (Pads are defined, not components) I think you are looking for Centroid Outputs not CAD. Cad defines the components on the board as well as the board itself. Centroid gives Ref. Desig., X, Y,

aoi data

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 24 21:29:43 EST 2007 | davef

Board fabricators commonly use Barco AOI to inspect film. The AccuMatch compares pixel-to-pixel of the Gerber data to the image seen by the AOI camera. It's slower than design rule checking, but has definite advantages [like lower falsing]. Unfortu

obtain XY data from solder pad gerber drawing????

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 05:26:56 EDT 2011 | vinitverma

Hello, We offer a product called - PROCAM for this very application. PROCAM uses Gerber (274X) as input and extracts the centroid data for each component automatically. It exports the centroid to standard excel format (including board outline, circu

Machine data for SPC?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 18:19:01 EDT 2005 | darby

You should be able to export this data from each machine into an ascii format. Import into Excel and do what you want with it. I don't see that you should have to pay for any software at all. If you are not familiar with Excel and macros etc then get

x-y data generation

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 11:36:38 EDT 2005 | Jack

Doug -- I think ScanCAD has the product you're looking for . . . call them at 303-697-8888. (ask for Isabelle or Bill)

x-y data generation

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 08 15:10:15 EDT 2005 | BoB

Try Aegis or Unicam they both sell a pretty good Cad/Gerber/Ascii converter for most SMT equipment

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