Electronics Forum: extended service menu (Page 1 of 6)

SM 482 service password

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 11:18:42 EDT 2022 | proceng1

Are you talking about hhffkdy ? Or the hidden menu password?

SM 482 service password

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 12:40:20 EDT 2022 | gui

Hi, Yes! Thank you. Is there any hidden menu? What's for?

MY12 F-MOT-MSETDYN x/12: Position Counter Dead

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 05 09:33:32 EDT 2014 | cflames17

It could very well be the Safety Relay located inside the ELMO PSU (Bottom left in computer cabinet). I just had the same problems on 2 MY9's within 2 months apart. the Part cost around $700.00 from Mydata (Now Mycronic). These fail commonly with old

MYDATA HYDRA Z/156 error on Hardware Intialization.

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 04 04:53:58 EDT 2020 | tima

Have you try doing initialization from service menu? Exit TPsys, type service -x and try to initialize only Hydra Z. See what error you get. Can be too much friction on the shaft. Run friction test

MPM Ultraflex 3000 password

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 09 23:14:36 EDT 2005 | MikeaJ

In response to the post concerning the UP1500, the case is a little different. The Speedline/SMTech passwords are hardcoded into the Sigpro.exe file. Here is what you need to know: Login name: Speedline (or SMTech) Passwords are listed in order of ri

Netscape Copy 'n Paste (Solved)

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 08 12:22:05 EDT 1998 | Clifford Peaslee

I found the problem. Netscape doesn't allow copynpaste when a page has a table within another table. I removed the problem (outer table) from the forum messages. But now I must extend the left table (menu) down to accomodate the possibility of long

Re: Netscape Copy 'n Paste (Solved)

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 08 18:50:27 EDT 1998 | dave f

| I found the problem. Netscape doesn't allow copynpaste when a page has a table within another table. | | I removed the problem (outer table) from the forum messages. But now I must extend the left table (menu) down to accomodate the possibility of

Right here on SMTnet!

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 23 18:00:37 EST 1999 | Cunli Jia @ SMTnet

| Where is a good place to advertise used SMD equipment on the net? | Kurt, Please select PCBCE Mart under the SMTnet Menu on top of the left column of this page, or simply foPlease let us know if you see ways we can better design the Mart service

Yes, right here on SMTnet

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 12 10:18:04 EDT 1998 | Cunli Jia @ SMTnet

| Is there a market place for used PCB-machinery and if so, | where? Click "PCBCE Mart" on the left menu. Let me know how you like or dislike the service. Cunli

Mydata TP11-UFP won't initialize

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 04 14:06:58 EST 2011 | cyber_wolf

First I would confirm that both of your X-motors and transducers are working through the service menu. After that start looking at the big power booster on the back of the machine.

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