Electronics Forum: extremely (Page 1 of 53)

Re: Extremely long subject line

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 08 10:04:08 EDT 1999 | Michael Bryant

Bob, Thank you for posting an extremely relevant technical question to the Forum. However, the entire message was posted in the subject line and the body was left blank. In the future, please use the subject line to summarize your message, and type

Circuit cam related software

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 11:12:04 EDT 2005 | Ray

We have switched from Uniscam due to support issues and their ablity to come out with a new USABLE version. We have been running it for close to 2 years now and we have been extremely happy with its performance and their support. Version 6.0 which

Stencil cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 24 15:57:43 EST 2013 | ccouture

as you know, alcool is extremely flamable, the vapors are hazardous, prolonged contact with skin is not recommended, etc...

Curious PCB technology

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 24 16:13:24 EST 2020 | dwl

what does the PCB go into? Is it for use in an extreme environment?

Price of MY6 Pick and Place machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 25 05:16:14 EDT 2022 | paddymanoj

I am extremely sorry for the mix up. The machine is MY9.

SMD pad definition may cause solder joint cracking under extreme fatigue conditions.

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 10:10:20 EST 2023 | tommy_magyar

Perhaps google this, as you will find very interesting articles. For scientific explanation look up solder fatigue on Wikipedia with references added. A more in depth explanation you can find on the Digikey forum where you will find other people like

DEK VectorGuard stencil system.

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 09:46:09 EDT 2008 | jseagle

We currently use the VectorGuard stencils and love them. They are so easy to set and remove from the frame and weigh almost nothing. We get very good prints, we do 0402 and 16mil. We previously tried the Tetra system and were not happy due to the

Barrel fill with Pb Free Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 16 16:49:22 EST 2008 | scottd3

We ran into this problem before, on all of our models. We never quite found out the reason, we do know that if the PCB is passed through a reflow oven that is extremely dirty with evaporated solder paste flux, it will make it extremely difficult (or

Q on YV88X / Emerald-X Rear feeder camera use

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 20:35:33 EDT 2021 | kumarb

Hi. Have the Emerald-X (Yamaha YV88X) unit. Works fine. Using F9 (Teach & Trace), we can position to most locations on the front feeders (not to the extreme left or extreme right due to the head design). Should the unit be able to do the same for t

SMD pad definition may cause solder joint cracking under extreme fatigue conditions.

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 09:07:28 EST 2023 | charles_nguyen

Two types of land patterns used for surface mount pads are non-solder mask defined or NSMD pads and solder mask defined or SMD pads.Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is a statement that SMD pad type may introduce stress concen

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