Electronics Forum: f4g and socket (Page 1 of 3)

F4G setup: cannot connect to local socket error?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 02:49:12 EST 2010 | smellew

CC if this works good, MCS & F4G cables are different also different to the Host cable i gave you before. do you have setup manuals? regards llew

F4G setup: cannot connect to local socket error?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 12:58:42 EST 2010 | smellew

CC is a must. IIS must be installed & setup on windows regards Llew

F4G setup: cannot connect to local socket error?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 11 18:51:49 EST 2010 | rodrigo

Hi All, I'm setting up the F4G software for our line (currently using MCS30). I made an adapter to connect the CP4 line (that was connected to the MCS30) to the PC. Then I tried to transmit a program but I keep getting this error: 41A27F9D: Error o

F4G setup: cannot connect to local socket error?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 19:40:42 EST 2010 | rodrigo

I posted the message below on Friday and today Monday I started looking at the problem again. We have a computer with a setup that works. It is the original PC we bought with the F4G but it is set up for a machine we do now have ,IP3. I was looking a

F4G setup: cannot connect to local socket error?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 12 12:19:28 EST 2010 | rodrigo

What do you mean by "check if F4G is connecting to CC...". The CC DOS windows shows up when I login the PC so does the remote shell daemon. The CC DOS windows says a bunch of stuff does has been woken. I didn't install the FTP stuff. I didn't think I

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 13:31:36 EDT 2012 | jdengler

Have you tried to restart F4G and/or MCS/30 after flushing the CP4 memory? I have occasionally ran into the comm error after a reset start. Leave the machine on and restart F4G or the MCS/30 whichever normally is hooked up. If it still won't commu

Max and Min nozzle settings on CP7

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 20 04:16:02 EDT 2004 | Charles Huang

Wondering if there any CP7/F4G programmers out there that can help me out with this one. I'm assuming the setting for max and min nozzle in the "environment" section of the part data would allow me to use either the specified max OR min nozzle in th

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 17:49:35 EDT 2012 | rodrigo

I've done the Fuji flush. It does the same thing. We can not load proper again because it does not communicate with either the F4G or MCS/30. I was able to boot into mechanical mode at one point but now I can not do that either. This thing is drivi

Headers and SMT

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 14:45:25 EST 2015 | stevezeva

Hi there! If they are just standard headers there's a company called Teka that makes headers and socket headers with solder preforms in them. They call it "Solder Bearing Lead Technology" You can drop them in the board and reflow them just like SMT p

Re: obective comparison between siplace and fuji pick and place equipment

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 10 18:35:18 EDT 1998 | phillip hunter

| we currently have a siplace line(80s/f) and are inhereting a fuji line from another site. I need an objective comparison between the two. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the fuji with regard to programming, operating and maintenance. any c

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