Electronics Forum: fa cp

MLCC - Chip blackening

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 12 10:59:49 EDT 2004 | Takfire

Hello. I have a customer that continues to have problems with their bulk cassette feeder. The customer is complaining about shorted parts that result from bulk cassette feeding operations. They are quick to claim that the failure is related to the

advice on used PnP

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 29 15:10:10 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

I would specifically look at the FLX2011 models with a V for vision (they otherwise come with Cyberoptics laser alignment as standard, although that would also work if you are not inspecting BGA balls). They come with software that I think is called

Advice regarding PnP machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 23 06:29:03 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice

Essemtec machines are quite good for small batch production. However you do need to bear in mind the FLX is quite small and depending how you use it and the options fitted might be limited on feeder count. You don't mention if this FLX is laser or


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