Electronics Forum: fab cp

SMT feeder adapters

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 31 07:55:04 EST 2008 | tonyamenson

I noticed on the floor that workers hand place some SMT parts becuase some parts that came in a tube (instead of on a reel) do not fit properly into the tube feeders. The tubes dont align properly in the feeders becuase of their size. Are there any

Re: Beat rate

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 05 05:10:53 EST 2000 | Dean

It would be helpful to have some additional info on your line and process. Lets make some assumptions... Consider: re-tooling costs for your fab supplier. Can your supplier hold the additional tollerences for a larger panel. Can your supplier fab


Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 12:29:52 EST 2001 | mparker

Now that we know where you've been and what you wish to accomplish next, I can still give you some suggestions. 1. Get IPC-7912. Use it to evaluate your CM's. Especially if you have multiple contractors supplying like products. You will quickly see


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