Electronics Forum: failure rate contract manufacturer (Page 1 of 9)

Pick failure rate

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 16 13:57:31 EDT 2013 | emeto

By tape manufacturer you can have up to two empty slots in the tape. That means you should have two retries after the first pick up.

BGA solder failure rate

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 28 13:36:14 EDT 1999 | Bart Smith

I am a design engineer and have a circuit board design with a 292 pin BGA on it. The board manufacturer is experiencing a failure rate of about 2.8% on the BGA device due to soldering problems. This is my first experience with BGA. How does the 2.

SMT fine picth connector lead oxidize-Throw out rate too high!

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 24 04:14:25 EDT 2013 | winson16

Hi Joe, first of all thanks for your input. I did tried to search for the Mydata brochure and found that they are using Lifescan Vision System (LVS) which i think should be vision analysis. Appreciate if you can explain more in detail how's the mecha

SMT fine picth connector lead oxidize-Throw out rate too high!

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 06 14:03:18 EDT 2013 | horchak

If you are a CEM you are setting yourself up for failure and will be left holding the bag. Flash gold has one purpose. It is a protective coating for the base medal to keep it from oxidizing. It is very thin and will be absorbed into the solder joint

Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC) failure root cause analysis

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 27 12:21:18 EDT 2012 | tpatrickwalsh

I am posting this here because I think it may have something to do with PCBA: I have a simple battery-powered consumer product (LED light) that we have been manufacturing for some time. All of a sudden in one batch, we have about a 4% rate of a sing

Contract Manufacturer's warranty policy

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 20 02:16:23 EST 2001 | PeteC

Susan, If you are not doing design then your warranty must state that it's only for "workmanship". This excludes failures resulting from design or materials. In the event of an issue concerning product failure in the field have an independant labora

Qualifying Contract Manufacturer Services

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 03 17:06:25 EDT 2000 | Dreamsniper

Hi, Need some extra inputs on what to look into (criteria etc) regarding Contract Manufacturing our Products aside from Cost, Quality, Turn-around Time Parts Wastage rate. What are orther items I need in my checklist to qualify a contract manufactur

Repairing Samsung SMxxx Feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 11:50:27 EDT 2018 | reckless

6/400 per week seems high? 1.5% failure rating, technically close to 75% annual failure rating. Is that normal for other manufacturers?

Defect Rate WRT Customer Deliveries

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 16:10:44 EST 2024 | tommy_magyar

Unfortunately no sample numbers. We are building our own products, not a contract manufacturer. We are monitoring AOI, RMAs and rework - this only started in the last couple of months, but top management inclines not to give a target as it may "upset

Nonwetting 0603's

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 24 00:39:40 EDT 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi, If the failure rate is a lot higher than all the other components including ones similar to the 0603's than you won't be making a big deal. It is all relative. My only thought is to run a DOE with 0603's from different manufacturers and see if

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