Electronics Forum: fallout (Page 1 of 8)

Multi Layer PCB Fallout rate

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 17 09:23:00 EST 2016 | ronhammer

Does anyone know what the normal fallout rate is for a 12 layer PCB from the board house during testing? We received the inspection data from a recent set of boards. Looking over the report there failure rate looks high to us, but with out knowing wh

Who's heard about

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 01 12:23:21 EDT 2007 | stepheniii

Don't forget rework, post production eco's and other mods. Also if it's on a generic base, how do you spot slight misplacments? Board shops have some fallout, now the fallout with be with the assembly makers and with components trapped on the subst

30 Layer PCB with 70% fallout. Are the 30% good?

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 11:38:04 EST 2010 | stepheniii

It stop sounding good to me at "30 layer PCB".

electrovert Omniflow 10

Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 16:54:43 EDT 2013 | smter

We used to have similar issues with large fallout on ours. I have been writing the date on mine for the last few years. We were having premature fallout due to our techs not installing them with proper screw installing pattern, which seemed to be cau

30 Layer PCB with 70% fallout. Are the 30% good?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 17:10:03 EST 2010 | flipit

Remember this is a 30 layer PCB. If it is built in a multi up panel, there is lots of room for error. Lets say there are 10 circuits per panel. Say you have a 10% scrap rate that happens randomly within the 10 up panel of circuits. Apply this 10%

Temp/Humidity Recorders Coverage

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 10:33:23 EST 2003 | Hussman

Very good consultant answers. Has anyone evry really used T&H data to ever determine fallout? I've seen it recorded many times over the years, but all it does is take up floor space to store the charts from the recorders.

30 Layer PCB with 70% fallout. Are the 30% good?

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 01 13:17:38 EST 2010 | davef

We'd reject the lot, as an excuse to sit with our supplier and try to determine the cause of the problem.

30 Layer PCB with 70% fallout. Are the 30% good?

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 13:14:56 EST 2010 | jamyboy

The strange part is that this shop produced these PCBs no problem before DDI took over? I am still trying to get them to tell me what the expected yield is going forward..

Attrition... how to measure it?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 20 09:28:54 EST 2012 | dmiller

3-5% is extremely high. Think of that in terms of DPMO. 5% fallout would be a 50000 DPMO. That's not acceptable for most people.

Rethink of Offshore and Just-in-Time Manufacturing Practices in Light of COVID 19

Electronics Forum | Wed May 06 21:48:41 EDT 2020 | SMTA-Robert

Has the pandemic and the economic fallout from it cause you and your company to rethink your China/Asia outsourcing strategy? Also have your thoughts changed regarding JIT/Kanban/Lean manufacturing practices in view of the present situation?

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