Electronics Forum: feeder agilis (Page 1 of 12)

Mydata linear stick feeder

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 00:49:33 EDT 2010 | darrenj

Yes, we have the Agilis stick feeder and it is a definite improvement on the vibe. It usually comes with a set of starter 'tubeforks', but i bought another starter set after a while since the individual tubeforks are relatively expenisive. Always g

Agilis feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 27 10:12:21 EST 2004 | ldavis

Has anyone completed time studies on Mydata's Agilis feeder system? Is the time to load / unload reels any faster than traditional feeders? Any comments regarding the Agilis feeders would be greatly appreciated.

Mydata Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 03 00:00:17 EST 2006 | John

Mydata sells clips you put on the cover tape after it is removed from the agilis feeder.

Sticky Pressure sealed tape used with Mycronics Agilis feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 27 15:14:53 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex

This happens with either old tape, the cover tape doesn't stay sealed on the left side, or is the seal is too far to the right, the knife lifts the cover tape. There isn't much you can do in this case. Your choices are: switch the component into an A


Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 07:56:13 EDT 2005 | cmiller

Is anyone else having problems with the large Agilis feeders? I believe they make an adjustable style Agilis feeder now. Anyone try them?

Agilis Feeders Exposed Parts Upon Removal from Feeder?

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 21:57:37 EDT 2011 | machinehead

When I'm Tearing down a Job, And removing the tape and reel from Agilis Feeder. Their is a gap of at least 10-12 Parts. Unpicked parts, When the knife on the feeder spreads the tape aside. and leaves this gap of feel falling parts.

Agilis Feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 15 13:49:19 EDT 2003 | pbc1963

We just started using the 8mm Agilis feeders and found componets are lost during loading and unloading. Thinking about keeping the feeders resident on about 75 of our high runner reels and stocking as point of use. Has anyone run into a similar sit

Agilis feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 28 08:24:33 EST 2004 | stefwitt

35 hits on the search result of this forum entering agilis in the search window. There is at least some user feedback.

Agilis feeders

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 08:57:26 EST 2004 | pjc

Contact Mydata and they can give you a lengthly list of Agilis users to contact.

Agilis Feeder Inserts

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 20 16:49:20 EST 2010 | grantf

With regards to the list provided by Tech1 where would the Black 8mm feeder fit into the list?

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