Electronics Forum: feeder pusher (Page 1 of 1)

Rad 5 performance: bent lead

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 08 18:45:53 EDT 2019 | assuredtech

Would you happen to have the Jig used to check that the component itself is in spec with UIC's general specifications? 1.) Component in spec. 2.) Correct 2.5mm pusher on the feeder / dispense head. Also set the conditioner guide where the comp enter

Samsung Feeders

Electronics Forum | Wed May 12 13:13:14 EDT 2004 | John S

Any one using samsung machines, CP40, CP50? I have a 24MM feeder that has 8MM pitch as lowest setting and I need to go to 4MM pitch. Any thoughts as to how I can achieve this? CP40/50 pushers are set for 1 push and higher. Thanks in advance

Seeking advice on SMT placement machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 16 06:02:23 EST 2005 | stefwitt

Are feeders included? Otherwise, the MS 102/132 sell even for lower prices here in US. Add shipping and training and you get to the same result. Juki, Contact and Quad may fall in the same price range, but spare parts and service tech availability wi


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