Electronics Forum: feeder report mod (Page 1 of 5)

Fuji Flexa Feeder Report Mod

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 27 09:12:54 EST 2003 | roger_h

I've modified the Flexa feeder reports. I sent you an Email.

Fuji CP4 -3 (MC) feeder problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 13 10:13:56 EST 1998 | Simon Washer

Has anyone running the cp4-3 feeders (MC type) in 8 by 4 td flavour seen excessive wear on the aluminum body caused by the tape leaf cover and tape leaf retaining clip?? These are the black anodised aluminum feeders (new type) that we run on all cp4

Re: Fuji CP4 -3 (MC) feeder problems

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 06:21:08 EDT 1998 | Ben Salisbury

| Has anyone running the cp4-3 feeders (MC type) in 8 by | 4 td flavour seen excessive wear on the aluminum body | caused by the tape leaf cover and tape leaf retaining | clip?? Sorry for the delay in posting to this one... I have in fact seen this w

Fuji Flexa Feeder Report Mod

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 12:48:08 EDT 2003 | johnburgueno

Can someone enlighten me on how to modify/change the Fuji Flexa Feeder Report. We want the report to show the part description. I called Fuji America, but they are not sure on how to do this yet being that this system is still fairly new. I was able

Fuji Flexa Feeder Report Mod

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 12:26:51 EDT 2003 | eugenecjr

burguj, Please let me give you some incite to the problem that you have. This issue will depend on the version of Flexa that you are running. Since I am not sure of your name and company I will just say that if you are running the latest version t

Mydata vib feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 25 15:13:30 EST 2005 | pdeuel

Also search "Tape and Reel" useing your favorite search engine. We sometimes have an outside vendor tape this stuff for us. They use generic mod tape that dose not fit properly the parts supplied to them that also causes pick problems.

Part Desc from Fujicam

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 17 22:42:17 EDT 2001 | lenny

hello, You can edit the all the reports using crystal report software,so in your case you will be adding the field "description" to your feeder report,then while you are creating your your programe using the edit part command you can add your value/d


Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 12:14:08 EDT 2007 | mmjm_1099

I am wondering if anyone has tried to run a crystal report out of Fuji Flexa? What I would like to do is run the report that make a default feeder list for that certian day to minimize feeder setup times. So please leave me some feedback if you have

Quad 4C nozzle changer

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 01 11:02:57 EDT 2016 | claudea2

I have 3 used Quad 4Cs and the nozzle changer on one machine never worked. I decided to troubleshoot it this week. I repaired the changer by changing a defective optical sensor but I still get error 17 when I try a run-step nozzle 1, 2 or 3. Error 17

Managing Production Schedules

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 08:49:00 EDT 2002 | Mark S.

Our company started with a MSAccess based system for reporting labor time and displaying a schedule of jobs to build. Now we have created an intranet based schedule that displays the production schedule, short materials, maintenance schedule, feeder

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