Electronics Forum: feeders changeover d1 (Page 1 of 18)

HMLV changeover strategy

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 16 20:04:08 EST 2002 | davef

Consider: * Understanding the cost of change. * Buying every feeder ever made for your machine. * Buying �High-Mix Low-Volume Manufacturing� Mahoney, M; Pearson Education (Prentice Hall); 1997 [013255688X] offered by SMTA. * Searching the fine SMTnet

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 09:40:26 EST 2006 | kevslatvin

Thanks for the replies.With which ever machine we decide on the feeders with the most commonly used parts will stay on the machine. Also parts used on other jobs but not needed for the current one will be able to stay as well. The problem well run in

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 11:42:20 EST 2006 | Frank

Since you are a HM/LV facility take a look at the feeder design. I noticed that the MyData feeders (that I have seen) peel back a lot of pockets before the pick, so when you change part numbers on the feeder there is a larger waste of components. O

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 05:00:48 EST 2006 | rlackey

You could alternatively look at it another way - the customer asked how quick it would be to change over 20-25 feeders. All of the above machines have the capacity to hold at least double this, so the question is can you run the orignal product, w

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 28 14:49:13 EST 2006 | vickt

As mentioned, there are many ways to achieve a quick changeover. Every manufacturing environment is somewhat different..but here's a few ideas for you to consider 1. If you have lots of feeder space on a machine you can have several simultaneous se

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 25 07:25:36 EST 2006 | smartasp

Hi There To answer your question 1 minute at the best. We are using 2 Opal XII and have the optional feeder exchange trolleys, which enables us to setup feeders off line and just exchange the trolleys onto the machines. The changeover can be done i

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 17:04:28 EST 2006 | kevslatvin

We are looking into uprgading our current pick and place machine which is a very entry level machine with a higher class or more production oriented machine. On our current machine change over is fairly slow. I was wanting to know if any users of the

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 25 16:27:51 EST 2006 | Frank

I would rather keep my Juki KE-2060. It runs faster, do larger boards, and can place a wider range of components when compared to the Opal. Also, I have trolleys on front and rear, without losing any feeder locations. Why can't you put trolleys on

Typical SMT Machine changeover times?

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 03:40:06 EST 2006 | Frank

The Juki 2060 can have both front and rear trolleys and you do not loose any feeder locations. My question was why can't the Assembleon put trolley on the rear? I recently visited a friend at a company that used a lot of Assembleon and compared run

Europlacer feeders and trolleys

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 22 17:32:17 EST 2020 | atpico

We are looking to buy a 2nd hand Europlacer p-n-p. We would be very grateful to have a real production competent opinion about EP feeders/trolleys Questions: 1. generally how good/bad are older (Gen1, Gen2) Europlacer feeders and trolleys systems

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