Electronics Forum: feel cp

CP642 Ballscrew Replacement

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 10:26:52 EDT 2009 | cstech

I have a used CP642 ball screw - in good condition customerst@163.com

Placing 0201 parts with Fuji CP642

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 08:08:11 EDT 2001 | forrge

Looking for feedback from people that used the Fuji CP6 to place 0201 parts. Is the CP642 reliable? I have been told that the Fuji CP642 cannot reliably place the 0201's and the CP643 must be used.

Placing 0201 parts with Fuji CP642

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 09:19:01 EST 2002 | Kent

We have been placing 0201 in our production using both CP642 and CP643 since last year. But it was necessary to upgraded a narrow view camera to recognize 0201 for CP642. Since then, the placement of 0201 is really reliable.

fuji CP642 or CP643

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 03:35:05 EDT 2012 | benreben

Hi all, depending on your experience is there a difference between CP642 and CP643? what is the most stable machine service level? there know problem with these machines? Thanks Regards,

Placing 0201 parts with Fuji CP642

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 15:50:55 EST 2002 | Bruce

The CP-642 simply requires a camera upgrade for 0201 parts. This is the same camera as is used on the CP-643. You should then get identical results

fuji CP642 or CP643

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 10:26:17 EDT 2012 | jimmyboz

If I had a choice I would choose a CP642 90% of the time. The loading system on the 643 can load 2 PCBs at the same time but is complicated. If 2 seconds on PCB load time is critical on your production choose the 643, if not, choose the 642.


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 09 23:37:31 EDT 2012 | mdang

How does CP642, CP642 talking to the flexa or MCS system? RS-232 or ethernet? Can they communicate using RS-232? Thanks, -Michael


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 13 07:00:31 EDT 2018 | negev

I am not sure if anyone can find this information usful...but I will post it anway, our old CP-642 couldnt start up with "LOADER INIT ERROR"changing the battery in the CP1 I/O card solved the problem.

how cp642 identify the melf1.3 & 1.3 nozzle

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 21:00:59 EDT 2002 | chao liang

we will use melf nozzle , we want to know how to setting the part data (or other item in f4g ), so the machine (cp642) can identify it from the nomal 1.3nozzle . thanks

Looking for manuals CP-642

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 30 12:17:54 EDT 2004 | dave70

I was wondering if anyone has a copy of the user manuals for a CP-642. I am trying to gather as much information as possible. Any help or links would be great. Thanks for your time.

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