Electronics Forum: fees (Page 1 of 20)

Automation Equipment Registration Fees

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 12 08:45:40 EDT 2003 | stefwitt

Nobody seemed to notice, when Genrad started to collect license fee on used machines. These were different times and customers could effort the extra $ 15,000 software license fee. I totally agree with Jason that in these days, we turn the dime twic

New web site

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 06 09:49:02 EDT 2003 | bobbyv40

I believe that having a website that lists registrations fees and problems with various companies would be a great benefit to this industry. As with all "opinion based" sites, the information should be taken for what it is, opinions and isolated even

Austin American Regristration Fee

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 16:05:09 EDT 2006 | ppminc

Does anyone know if it is legal to not sell parts to a customer without paying a $1,500 registration fee? I can understand if I needed technical support. I am referring to Austin American. We sell refurbished equipment & I needed a few parts & a manu

Automation Equipment Registration Fees

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 12 14:34:50 EDT 2003 | Steve

Varied opinions on this thread spread faster than wild-fire. First, I must say that analogies to auto dealers are a bit flawed. Business to Consumer is one thing. Business to Business is a completely different ballgame . . . no sense of comparing t

Automation Equipment Registration Fees

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 13 22:04:47 EDT 2003 | iman

I would say, if one guy buys used machine from a "dealer", the dealer ought to cover the registration fee up-front for the buyer as part of a complete package, UNLESS the buyer himself/herself asked for a discount that purposefully omitted the requi

Automation Equipment Registration Fees

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 14:12:42 EDT 2003 | stefwitt

the registration fee became the second largest issue after 0402 tomb stoning. http://www.smtnet.com//forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=5640&#Message22248

Austin American Regristration Fee

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 16:25:29 EDT 2006 | russ

I seem to be able to buy parts from electgrovert without the "fee" and yes it is used equipment and was not purchased through electrovert. It would be nice to list all these MFGrs that require you to pay them to order parts. I can understand the t

Automation Equipment Registration Fees

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 11 19:20:12 EDT 2003 | slthomas

Clearly someone from the equipment side will explain to me why this is an oversimplification, but what is the difference between providing support to the purchaser of second hand equipment and the guy that bought it new, assuming they're paying the s

Automation Equipment Registration Fees

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 12 09:35:58 EDT 2003 | jseagle

Could I get the URL for Technet? Thanks James

Automation Equipment Registration Fees

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 12 13:57:30 EDT 2003 | jgregory

Yes, I am a customer. I've bought brand new machines from this mfr. before. Many times, actually (through sales reps.). And when their tech support helps us troubleshoot a problem down to a component, we actually pay the three, four, five times the a

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