Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 20:07:06 EDT 2021 | smith88
Is there a standard that gives criteria for cracks in Ferrite Cores? I have reviewed Jstd-oo1 G and IPC 610 G and do not see a specific reference to Ferrites. Thanks for your help
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 31 19:34:43 EST 1999 | Pat Copeland
I am currently placing aprox. 95 to 100 1206 size ferrite beads onto a pcb and having difficulty solding these parts. They appear to be soldered when the board comes off the reflow, but you can flic the parts off by hand. We thought they were contami
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 11:44:54 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko
Hi Pat, is the soldering Ok when you solder them by hand ? We use some larger ferrite beads with no problems in reflow but I must say that we use a vapour phase and only max 5 parts/PCB. They do have a high thermal capacity and you use a lot of them,
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 18:47:25 EDT 2021 | davef
IEC 63093-1:2020 - Ferrite cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 1: General specification
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 13 14:35:29 EST 1998 | Dave F
| Anyone using SMT "Fair-Rite" beads? We have a P/N 2743019447 that we're using. We need to know the shear force strength of the part and the vendor's man who knows is in Deutschland and can't help until Monday. I can't wait that long. | | Also, do
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 14 14:12:39 EST 1998 | smd
| | | Scott: Where is the problem? When you have a board in one hand and a sheared ferrite in the other, what does the ex-ferrite location look like: | | 1 Green mask colored, because the pad is "ripped off" the board | 2 Gray lumpy looking, be
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 11:16:45 EST 1999 | Dave F
Pat: No, but if you describe the situation we may be able to sort through your soldering problem. Good luck. Dave F
Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 15:32:45 EDT 2012 | 14367
We are having a lot of tomb stoning with this no clean solder paste. It's limited to larger, complex boards, affecting 0603 ferrite beads, capacitors and SOT23s. It was suggested that paste removed from a stencil should not be put back in it's origin
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 03 07:15:24 EST 2014 | JB
Thanks for the reply, how do people handle different packages then if you can't add new ones? If we had a 1206 sized inductor, then a 1206 sized ferrite bead and so on, they would all have to be grouped under the same generic heading? e.g. Chip-R321