Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 07 09:56:26 EST 2002 | bpan
Thanks for the ideas guys. My QC inspector can take a pick and move the back part of the lead....even though the front of the lead is soldered enough to hold. There is SOME NOT ALL areas where there is no solder on the curved portion of the lead.The
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 04 13:22:20 EDT 1999 | John Martell
We are changing from through-hole to SMT, wondering what pitch requirements would an 8 pin SOAC require for pick and place? We think that this would be our finest pitch part.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 02:57:53 EDT 2018 | rob
Yes I would, most of our old Yamaha machines (before 2005) will do 30-35 microns @ 3 sigma with the fine camera option. Our Jukis with His res camera's will hit it too. You should be OK with most things after 1997 with the right camera choice (whic
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 29 14:47:15 EDT 2008 | davef
Let's narrow this down. Questions are: * Are you putting the proper amount of solder in the board with your stencil print process? * If you are putting the proper amount of solder in the board, where is the solder going? Pick one and then fill-in th
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 02 16:31:17 EDT 2000 | Larry
I have seen people take old stencils and cut out land patterns, place the component over the land pattern and use a orange stick to move the leads back into place.
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 17 18:21:43 EST 1999 | Clarissa L. Ortner
We are a small start up. We will be buying a stenciling machine and semi automated pick and place. ( We have the oven) We are presently stenciling without any assit and loading leadless parts only(no fine pitch) by hand. We need to improve thrupu
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 13:36:30 EDT 2006 | ppminc
Phil, The QSA-30 was built by Sam Sung, Sold by Quad. Single Head 2 Nozzles around 11K CPH Quad does not support the machine but I believe you can get parts direct from Sam Sung. I am not sure if they have a registration fee. The QSA used Quad made
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 25 17:06:36 EDT 2000 | JAX
LarryK, You might want to talk with: Fancort Industries, Booth #2630 31 Fairfield Place West Caldwell, NJ 07006 973-575-0610 www.fancort.com MLCS-1 Manual Lead Conditioning System. It is a bench top, hand operated machine to correct deformed lea
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 10:06:30 EDT 2002 | Bob M
I place 15-20 mil a lot. You need to look at your pad to apature reduction. Your stencil thickness. The type of paste your using. We use 2-5 mil reduction on each side as a general rule on fine pitch. This varies depending on pad width. We also use 5
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 12:31:16 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr
My suggestion is to conduct a Design For Manufacturing (DFM)study on the assembly in question. Pay particular attention to the pad sizes, component lead dimensions and satisfy yourself that those two factors are correct. Given that pads match compone
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